WordPress / gutenberg

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Resizing animation / transition in Gutenberg for WP 6.2 RC too long & slow for efficient daily design work #49270

Open porg opened 1 year ago

porg commented 1 year ago

Animations in Site Editor — This needs an URGENT fix prior releasing Wordpress 6.2

WP 6.1.1

WP 6.2 preview (WP 6.1.1 with plugin Gutenberg 15.3.1)

👎 So slow that it feels like a "laggy app" which makes daily web design work very inefficient.

Screen recording with audio


Environment info


glendaviesnz commented 1 year ago

There is a 0.5 transition delay on the site editor transitions here - reducing this to 0.2 did make things feel a bit snappier, but I am not aware of the design decisions around this timing, so will let one of the design team respond to this.

porg commented 1 year ago

My input as a Senior UX designer (10+ years experience)

Recommended changes

porg commented 1 year ago

@glendaviesnz (or other devs): const ANIMATION_DURATION = 0.5; At which filepath in the readily-built production plugin on my WP installation can I tweak that variable constant to try it out myself?

glendaviesnz commented 1 year ago

const ANIMATION_DURATION = 0.5; At which filepath in the readily-built production plugin on my WP installation can I tweak that variable constant to try it out myself?

In the production build it is hidden away somewhere in the bowels of a minified javascript file, at a quick look I couldn't track it down - someone else may be able to, but your best bet for playing with this would be if you can checkout this repo, change the value here and then run the local dev version of the plugin. Let me know if you are interested in doing that, and if you already have node/npm and docker installed locally or not I can then point you to the relevant instructions for setting that up.

porg commented 1 year ago

1) For the time being I'm not willing/able to setup a dev-environment to test Gutenberg.

2) What I know as a UX designer from some web developer colleagues is that when they inspect .min.js minified JavaScript files in the web browser's DevTools, it shows them the original files by help of .js.map source map files.

3) Could you or someone else with a dev environment please be so kind and video record

glendaviesnz commented 1 year ago

@jameskoster do you have any background on why the 0.5 rate was chosen for these animations?

jameskoster commented 1 year ago

It was discussed a bit here, without any resolution.

porg commented 1 year ago

@jameskoster: In your inline code comment you shared video recordings how different animation types and durations affect the left side bar toggling. My judgement:

You only recorded toggling of the left side panel.

scrobbleme commented 1 year ago

It was discussed a bit here, without any resolution.

It would be much better

porg commented 1 year ago


In doubt: Drop that animation altogether!

jameskoster commented 1 year ago

My mockups above were merely to initiate discussion, but obviously the PR was merged before any consensus was found. At this point it might be good to spin up a new PR and discuss the details therein.

porg commented 1 year ago

What is far more problematic here in terms of spatial/navigational orientation is how that top left button works.

porg commented 1 year ago

WP 6.2 shipping date is very close: