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Post Featured Image block on a Single template doesn't have explicit width and height #49347

Open asafm7 opened 1 year ago

asafm7 commented 1 year ago


Post Featured Image block on a Single template doesn't have explicit width and height.

(BTW, in an Archive context, the Post Featured Image block does have width and height)

See screenshots:

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

  1. Edit the Single template (Full Site Editing)
  2. Add Post Featured Image block
  3. Try to set width and height

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet



Environment info



version: 6.1.1 site_language: en_US user_language: en_US timezone: +00:00 permalink: /%postname%/ https_status: true multisite: false user_registration: 0 blog_public: 1 default_comment_status: open environment_type: production user_count: 1 dotorg_communication: true


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wp-plugins-inactive (5)

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Please confirm that you have searched existing issues in the repo.


Please confirm that you have tested with all plugins deactivated except Gutenberg.


t-hamano commented 1 year ago


Tahnks for the report. As far as I have tested with WordPress 6.2, I have not been able to reproduce this. If my testing procedure is incorrect, please let me know.

In the Single template, the width and height of the Post Featured block can be changed:


On the front end, The figure tag, which is the root of the block, has the configured width and height styles applied. The img element also has the width and height attributes correctly rendered:


asafm7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @t-hamano

Things seem to have changed with 6.2. Although it is still different on my side, it might be due to Jetpack or a caching plugin. I will do some testing soon.

In the meantime, I wanted to mention that in the screenshot you sent the figure width and height (400 and 200) don't match the img width and height (1023 and 765), which also don't match the values set in the editor - shouldn't them be the same?

Thanks, Asaf

t-hamano commented 1 year ago

Things seem to have changed with 6.2. Although it is still different on my side, it might be due to Jetpack or a caching plugin. I will do some testing soon.

I think It's a good idea to stop all plugins first.

In the meantime, I wanted to mention that in the screenshot you sent the figure width and height (400 and 200) don't match the img width and height (1023 and 765), which also don't match the values set in the editor - shouldn't them be the same?

The width and height attributes of the img element indicate the original size of the image, not the value set by the control. It will actually be rendered at the size of the figure element (which you set in the block sidebar).

asafm7 commented 1 year ago

Thank you.

The thing is Jetpack has the ability to resize the image before it is served, saving bandwidth and time (and the environment?).

It is doing it by looking at the img element’s width and height attributes. So, if these aren't set to the needed values - there is no gain here. It feels like a waste.


asafm7 commented 1 year ago

@t-hamano any thoughts regarding my last message?

t-hamano commented 1 year ago

The Post Featured Image block has a SCALE control to adjust how the area allocated by width and height, or aspect ratio, is filled:


Therefore, the width and height of the figure and imgelements don't necessarily match. I believe this is the reason why we do not apply width and height directly to the image element.

I don't know about Jetpack's Site Accelerator, but there is a possibility to filter the contents of the rendered block with the render_block hook and get the style (height and width) specified in the figure tag with the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor class.

I don't know about Jetpack's Site Accelerator, but how to determine the image size according to the aspect ratio and scale control settings is an issue that should be considered on the Jetpack side.

How about submitting an issue in the Jetpack GitHub repository?

asafm7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @t-hamano .

The SCALE and the object-fit don't matter here I believe, the actual size of the <img> tag on the page stays the same.

Anyway, it isn't just Jetpack. Cloudinary are doing the same for example. The <img> width and height are the most obvious source when trying to get information on how an image should be rendered.

It isn't practical for these companies to take into account all possible HTML markups of all possible features of all existing plugins of course.

The <img> width and height are the only standard source of truth here. They should represent in the best possible way the actual size of the image on the page. This is what they were designed for.

The new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor is a good enough solution for me.

But on the other hand, the not technically inclined, or the ones who didn't notice this nuance, won't be able to fully benefit from tools such as Jetpack and Cloudinary.