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Base styles: Improve the reduce-motion mixin #55566

Open afercia opened 9 months ago

afercia commented 9 months ago


Splitting this out from https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/55547

Ideally, the reduce-motion scss mixin should be able to reset any CSS transition / animation. However, this is not the case. Thdre are a few occurrences in the codebase where specific, ad-hoc, media query prefers-reduced-motion are in place because the mixin doesn't cover all the cases to properly reset a transition or animation.

Ideally, these specific ad-hoc media query should be avoided because they are redundant code, hard to maintain, and pronoe to bugs. A unique, centralized, mixin that works for all cases is certainly better.

The specific case in https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/55547 didn't allow to use the reduce-motion mixin because the animation for the 'saving' buttons state uses the CSS property animation-iteration-count with a value of infinite. This property is not reset by the reduce-motion mixin.


Notice the mixin sets animation-duration to 1ms instead of 0. This is because of this reason, which dates to more than 3 years ago. I'm not sure whther that concern is still valid. Regardles, the effect of: animation-duration: 1ms; on the saving buttons animation would just make the animation very fast because animation-iteration-count is still infinite.

At the very least, the mixing:

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afercia commented 9 months ago

The enqueue_disable_animations_stylesheet E2E 'pugin' should be updated as well.


afercia commented 9 months ago

Additionally, check any @keyframes animation.