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Allow `ref` to groups of settings in `theme.json`. #56104

Open jdamner opened 10 months ago

jdamner commented 10 months ago

What problem does this address?

At the moment, you can only ref to another single value in theme.json, but quite often you might want different elements/blocks to share the same settings. For example, the core/post-title block you may wish to have the same settings as the core/heading block so that the post-title inherits any settings for heading such as typography and font-sizes.

Another example where this would make perfect sense would be the core/query-pagination-next and core/query-pagination-previous - typically I'd expect most themes to want these two blocks to share the same settings/styles and at the moment duplication is required in order to achieve this.

What is your proposed solution?

To enable ref to refer to a whole section of settings in theme.json. Effectively have the following example work as you'd expect.

  "$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/wp/6.4/theme.json",
  "description": "Example of group-based refs",
  "settings": {
    "blocks": {
      "core/heading": {
        "typography": {
          "fontSizes": [
              "fluid": false,
              "name": "Small",
              "size": "1.3215rem",
              "slug": "small"
              "fluid": {
                "max": "1.75rem",
                "min": "1.5rem"
              "name": "Default",
              "size": "1.7rem",
              "slug": "default"
              "fluid": {
                "max": "2.625rem",
                "min": "1.75rem"
              "name": "Large",
              "size": "2.25rem",
              "slug": "large"
      "core/post-title": {
        "ref": "settings.blocks.core/heading"
  "styles": {
      "core/query-pagination-next": {
        "color": { 
          "text": "red",
          "background": "blue"
         "spacing": {
          "padding": {
            "top": "1rem",
            "bottom": "1rem"
      "core/query-pagination-previous": {
        "ref": "styles.blocks.core/query-pagination-next"

In this instance, I would expect the core/heading and core/post-title should inherit the same settings, and the core/query-pagination-next and core/query-pagination-previous should share the same styles.

bacoords commented 2 months ago

I just wanted to add to this issue that this inconsistency effects any properties that can take an object in addition to a string.

For example, if I have a font size declared like this

"fontSize":"14px" or "fontSize":"var(...)"

on one element, I can reference it from another element.

But if I have a font size declared like this

                  "fontSize": {
            "fluid": {
                "min": "1.25rem",
                "max": "1.5rem"
              "size": "1.5rem"

it cannot be referenced from another element.