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Improve the block inserter labeling #61483

Open afercia opened 4 months ago

afercia commented 4 months ago


Noticed after some recent changes to the block inserter in https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/61004 and https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/61421. Hat tip to @carolinan for pointing me at this.

Title case capitalization

Traditionally, all WordPress features are title case. The term 'block inserter' feels a little too technical to me and I'd personally prefer a more intuitive, simpler name. Regardless, whatever this feature name is, it should be always title case: Block Inserter. This is no different for other features e.g. List View, Document Overview, and many other ones. Title case should be used everywhere the 'Block Inspector' terminology is used, for example also in the commands palette.

The verb 'toggle'

See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/discussions/42492 and similar trac ticket for Core. The verb 'toggle' should be avoided. The button that opens the Inserter is labeled aria-label="Toggle block inserter". Also, for consistency, Document Overview, List View, Settings panel don't use the verb 'toggle'. It is used in the command palette and it should be removed from there as well.

The name 'Block Library' is obsolete

The navigable region where the block inserter renders within is still labeled 'Block Library'. This should be updatred to 'Block Inerter' as it's confusing for screen reader users. They will activate a button labeled 'Block inserter' to get a UI that is labeled 'Block Lirary'. Screenshot with VoiceOver running:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12 20 29

The new Close button label should be simplified

In https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/49614 some labels for some Close buttons were simplified based on the following criteria:

In the same way, as this UI is already labeled, the Close button label should be simplified.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

Observe the labels used in the UI in the places described above.

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

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Environment info

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Please confirm that you have tested with all plugins deactivated except Gutenberg.


afercia commented 4 months ago

It is important to note that the terminology 'Block Library' is still used in the docs, for example in the user interface documentation, see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/966f0a15cf57cc169b5a01f92b13b734dbc45834/docs/explanations/user-interface/README.md#block-library

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 13 15 45

The docs should be updated everywhere because the UI now uses the terminology 'Block Inserter'. Alternatively, 'Block Inserter' should be replaced everywhere with 'Block Library'.

I'd appreciate a decision about this Cc @WordPress/gutenberg-core @WordPress/gutenberg-design

afercia commented 4 months ago

The terminology 'Block Library' is still used in a couple Welcome Guides as well, e.g.:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 13 24 09

richtabor commented 4 months ago

I'd appreciate others' thoughts, but I would think a site's block, pattern, and media library are all part of the "Inserter". You open the Inserter to add blocks from your block library, patterns from your pattern library, and media from your media library.

youknowriad commented 4 months ago

Personally I think both "Inserter" or "Block Library" are problematic.

What about just "Library"?

afercia commented 3 months ago

I'd agree the name of the overall feature should be reconsidered.

It's no longer only blocks

The 'inserter' now allows users to add 3 kind of objects and presents them in 3 tabs:


Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 08 44 18

As such, labels like 'Toggle block inserter', or 'Close block inserter', or 'Block Library' are no longer appropriate because they only mention 'block'.


It is worth reminding the Widgets page is an exception as the inserter in that page only shows blocks.

In the same way, in the Customizer > Widgets, the plus icon button is named 'Add block', and it opens a panel that provides only blocks. (Note: on trunk it displays also the Patterns and Media tabs, that's a bug that is tracked in another issue).


I totally agree with @youknowriad: The term 'inserter' sounds really weird when translated literally. For example, in my native language (Italian) the literal translation would be 'inseritore'. Googling for it, I discovered an 'inseritore' is a multi-position switch used in electrical engineering circuits or, when computers used punched card readers, a tool to insert a set of cards in the reader. Way too technical.

Checking on WP translate, it's not a case that some WordPress translations use a different terminology, for example:

Overall, for some languages, translators are forced to use a different terminology to provide users with something that makes sense in their language, which proves the term 'inserter' is probably not the best name to use in the first place.

Current situation

After a quick search for the term 'inserter' on WP translate I see it's used inconsistently:

Potential options

I'm really ot sure what the best solution is. Overall, I'd think we should all make an effort to see this issue from an user perspective. As a user, I'm not sure I'm interested to know whether this feature is called 'inserter' or 'library' or anything else. I just want to add content.

The most similar pattern in WordPress is the Media Library. However, while the feature and the related admin page are named 'Media Library', in the Classic editor the button to actually add media is named... 'Add Media'. Using an action verb is simpler and more intuitive. It communicates the 'what' I can do as a useer. In that context, the name of the feature is less important.

It's not a case that, when the 'Show button text labels' preference is enabled, the inserter toggle button is lablede 'Add'. Screenshot:

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 12 14 16

However, it's not great that when the inserter is open, this button is labeled 'Close'. Screenshot:

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 12 15 35

I'd think a decision should be made first on whether to use a name or an action verb.

Overall, I tend to think such an important choice should not be based on personal opinions or preferences. It would be great to have some actual user testing. An A/B test with two alternative UIs to validate which one performs better.

afercia commented 3 months ago

It is also worth noting that other UIs in the editor, e.g. the so called 'quick inserter' and the 'insertion point inserter' show a button with a tooltip text 'Add block'. However, when then clicking 'Browse all', users are provided with a way to access Patterns and Media as well. As such, these buttons are not just about 'blocks' any longer.

insertion point inserter

quick inserter

If 'Library' turns out to be the preferred option, I would suggest to rename 'Browse all' to 'Library'.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 12 37 42

jameskoster commented 3 months ago

A couple of thoughts;

afercia commented 3 months ago

'Add' echoes the + icon, where "Library" does not. Would the icon need to change?

This is an interesting problem. If the editor ends up using 'Library', yes the icon should change. An icon should suggest the name of the control, also to give assistive technology users such as speech recognition software a change to guess the control accessible name.

On the other hand, I understand the value of the 'plus' icon as it's visualy intuitive and it's an established convention. But in this case, the name of the control should be 'Add' or 'Insert' or anything else that is logically associated with a plua icon.