WordPress / gutenberg

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Data views: hide checkboxes in grid layout when unable to select #62349

Open annezazu opened 2 weeks ago

annezazu commented 2 weeks ago

When viewing items in data views in the Site Editor, checkboxes are shown even if you can't actually select anything. Every time I see this, I still think I can check the box so either the greyed out look needs to shift, the checkboxes need to be removed if you can't select an item, or something else I can't think of right now :) Connecting the dots, it looks like there's feedback to have checkboxes always be visible in certain layouts https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/59175

Here's a video showing what I mean:


amitraj2203 commented 2 weeks ago

Every time I see this, I still think I can check the box so either the greyed out look needs to shift, the checkboxes need to be removed if you can't select an item, or something else I can't think of right now

Hi @annezazu, I have raised a PR for this which adds cursor: not-allowed; to the unselectable items.