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Add repeat-x and repeat-y options to background images #62608

Open jordesign opened 2 months ago

jordesign commented 2 months ago

Currently it is possible to set 'repeat' on background images (assigned to blocks). It would be good to be able to select repeat-x or repeat-y as well for greater control

t-hamano commented 2 months ago

I think this is a great suggestion.

However, since the backgroud-repeat property can use four properties, repeat, no-repeat, space, and round, I think we need to consider how much support we need to provide.

I would like to suggest some design ideas.

If all values ​​are supported

Use ToggleGroupControl


Use SelectControl


If only repeat and no-repeat are supported

Use ToggleGroupControl


Use ToggleControl


Use SelectControl


cc @ramonjd @WordPress/gutenberg-design

ramonjd commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the issue.

I think @t-hamano is right - most of the heavy thinking on adding support will be how to present the design tools. πŸ‘πŸ»

I'll also add this issue tentatively to the tracking issue.

jameskoster commented 2 months ago

I would lean towards the SelectControl design (with the addition of a 'None' option) to begin with. round and space seem very niche to me.