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Where should we make public the Media Corps partners or their form responses? #7

Open rmartinezduque opened 2 months ago

rmartinezduque commented 2 months ago

In the Media Corps call for participation (published on June 18), we invite media members and independent marketers/content creators to self-assess their eligibility for the WordPress Media Corps experiment.

Rather than the contributors on the Media Corps team manually identifying and selecting a group of media partners—which could lead to inadvertently excluding qualified candidates—the experiment welcomes anyone who meets the criteria and is genuinely interested in participating by completing a self-assessment form. Potential partners self-certify (via a form) that they meet the criteria before participating.

We are considering making the Media Corps partners or their submitted responses (except for the audience size as recommended by Matt Medeiros) public.

We'd love to get more feedback about this idea. Where should we make the Media Corps partners or their form responses public? In a new section of the handbook? Any other thoughts?

@JenMillerMBA, @bernard0omnisend, @askhellosatya, @mohiuddinomran, please feel free to chime in.

Any feedback from media partners is also welcome. 🙂

JenMillerMBA commented 2 months ago

I agree that responses should be public (with specific fields, i.e., audience size) hidden. I suggest linking to the responses on https://make.wordpress.org/media-corps/handbook/#media-partners-criteria below the call for responses.

bacoords commented 2 months ago

I would just suggest that any contact information, if collected even inadvertently, also be considered private or available by request only.

And I would ask that whereever the list is published, that it include at least some terms or disclaimer text limiting the use of the list. As a media partner I'm interested in activity from the WordPress project but not so much getting added to mailing lists for private companies in the WP space.

colorful-tones commented 2 months ago

I agree that responses should be public (with specific fields, i.e., audience size) hidden. I suggest linking to the responses on https://make.wordpress.org/media-corps/handbook/#media-partners-criteria below the call for responses.

Yes, embed the aggregate results and just hide the pertinent columns with contact information. 👍

rmartinezduque commented 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree with all the feedback so far and don't think including any contact info is necessary.

And I would ask that whereever the list is published, that it include at least some terms or disclaimer text limiting the use of the list. As a media partner I'm interested in activity from the WordPress project but not so much getting added to mailing lists for private companies in the WP space.

This also seems reasonable to me. We can include a brief statement to clarify the purpose of sharing this public information and address any potential misuse.

mattreport commented 1 month ago

I agree that responses should be public (with specific fields, i.e., audience size) hidden. I suggest linking to the responses on https://make.wordpress.org/media-corps/handbook/#media-partners-criteria below the call for responses.


rmartinezduque commented 1 month ago

Thank you, everyone. What do you think of the following copy to share in the Media Corps handbook? Does it capture the feedback provided here accurately? The link to the spreadsheet is missing since we still need to hide the pertinent fields.

You can find the list of Media Corps partners and their self-assessment form responses in this spreadsheet (excluding some specific fields hidden to respect the privacy of media partners).

Please note: The information shared in the linked spreadsheet is intended solely to facilitate collaboration and transparency within the Media Corps project. It is not to be used for unsolicited marketing purposes. If you see any misuse of this information, please report it in the Media Corps Slack channel so it can be addressed accordingly.