WordPress / meta-environment

A collection of scripts that provision the official WordPress.org websites into a Varying Vagrant Vagrants installation.
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Differences in database dump from new installs. #155

Open dhruvkb opened 3 years ago

dhruvkb commented 3 years ago

Since new installations of meta-environment using VVV install newer versions of Ubuntu, MariaDB and mysqldump, taking a fresh database export gives a different output. For example, importing the file


and exporting using mysqldump produces lots of insignificant differences:

  1. The metadata at the top is different. Eg:

    --- MySQL dump 10.16  Distrib 10.1.44-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
    +-- MariaDB dump 10.19  Distrib 10.4.19-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
    -- Host: localhost    Database: wordpressorg_dev
    -- ------------------------------------------------------
    --- Server version      10.1.44-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
    +-- Server version      10.4.19-MariaDB-1:10.4.19+maria~bionic
  2. Numbers are not quoted in the new export. Eg:

    -  `user_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    +  `user_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  3. DEFAULT NULL is added to some columns. Eg:

    -  `description` text,
    +  `description` text DEFAULT NULL,

What's the recommended way to proceed?

tomjn commented 3 years ago

Is this causing problems? I'm unsure what the action to take is here or the concern.

dhruvkb commented 3 years ago

I'm about to make a PR that creates a new site under wordpressorg.test/ and wanted to confirm if these changes (which will be present in the PR) are okay to commit as a part of the new database dump.

iandunn commented 3 years ago


In general they're fine as long as they're intentional and don't mess up other sites.