WordPress / meta-environment

A collection of scripts that provision the official WordPress.org websites into a Varying Vagrant Vagrants installation.
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Docs needed for Plugin Directory contribution #86

Closed kevinwhoffman closed 7 years ago

kevinwhoffman commented 7 years ago

Summary of steps to date:

  1. Installed VVV according to instructions at https://varyingvagrantvagrants.org/docs/en-US/installation/.
  2. Uncommented Meta Environment lines in vvv-config.yml:
    repo: https://github.com/WordPress/meta-environment.git
  1. Ran vagrant provision.

I can now access the Meta Sites, but the screenshot below shows an empty Plugins Directory at wordpressorg.dev/plugins/. I'm not sure what else I need to do in order to view a single plugin. Only then can I edit the CSS necessary to address a Trac ticket.

Can anyone fill in the gaps and document it so others might benefit as well? Thanks.


ntwb commented 7 years ago

@kevinwhoffman Can you try http://wordpressorg.dev/plugins-wp please

brianhogg commented 7 years ago

Might need a separate issue, but without uncommenting anything in vvv-config.yml, http://wordpressorg.dev is unaccessible since meta-repository/wordpress.org/public_html/wordpress is empty and there's no index.php in public_html?

@kevinwhoffman Are there instructions for getting to the point of seeing the plugin directory homepage? I didn't see any mention of uncommenting lines in vvv-config.yml etc.

kevinwhoffman commented 7 years ago

@brianhogg Uncommenting those lines was a solution I came across myself when investigating vvv-config.yml. I then confirmed this approach when I discovered https://github.com/WordPress/meta-environment/pull/85 but it has yet to be merged.

kevinwhoffman commented 7 years ago

@ntwb http://wordpressorg.dev/plugins-wp results in a 404.

@obenland suggested in Slack that missing tables described in https://github.com/WordPress/meta-environment/issues/57 is the cause for seeing the empty directory.

iandunn commented 7 years ago

Docs needed for Plugin Directory contribution

I'm not sure if creating docs specifically for each project is helpful or sustainable. I think general documentation on things like how to setup the Meta Environment, how to contribute in general, etc, are better.

If those documents are lacking in any way, they can and should be improved.

If there's a project that has a particularly difficult setup, and we can't automate it through the Meta Environment, then I think it'd be worth considering some additional docs for them. In this case, though, it sounds like the underlying problems are:

Once those are resolved, I'm not sure there'd be a need for any extra documentation. What does everyone else think?

brianhogg commented 7 years ago

I was able to get WP installed during provisioning by doing a vagrant destroy followed by a vagrant up so might be an issue with upgrading from an older version of VVV.

There's a more recent copy of the wordpressorg_dev db currently here:


Still some db items missing and not 100% sure it's up to date, as things like active installs are not shown and the changelog is expanded in full on an individual plugin page (ie. http://wordpressorg.dev/plugins/akismet/) with no 'read more' button. There's also no reviews shown and no way to add them (logging in shows the button but it goes off to wordpress.org, and the equivalent doesn't work locally)

kevinwhoffman commented 7 years ago

@iandunn Your updates to the Installation instructions will be a huge help.

It is hard for me to say at this point whether instructions are needed specifically for contributing to the Plugins Directory since I have not made it through that process yet.

Resolving #57 would give me a much better idea of whether special docs are needed.

iandunn commented 7 years ago

Sounds good. I'm gonna close this for now, but we can always re-open it if it looks like specific instructions would help.

Although, if we do need specific instructions, it'd probably be better to put them in the Handbook on make/Meta, or in a contributing.md file inside the plugin itself, since not everyone uses the Meta Environment to contribute.

ocean90 commented 7 years ago

FYI: The wordpressorg_dev dump has been updated in fe3f342b40cb43039b8f377b76a48d5464156ae7.

brianhogg commented 7 years ago

@ocean90 thanks, but looks like there's still no ratings table included in there? (from Tools::get_plugin_reviews)

brianhogg commented 7 years ago

I added a dummy wporg_419_posts and ratings table in order to get some reviews displaying. Might not have all necessary columns but did the trick to submit a patch at least. Here's a dump of my version of the db:
