WordPress / meta-environment

A collection of scripts that provision the official WordPress.org websites into a Varying Vagrant Vagrants installation.
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WordCamp.dev: Address network plugin notice #94

Open coreymckrill opened 7 years ago

coreymckrill commented 7 years ago

When logging into WordCamp.dev after provisioning, you'll see an admin notice with a list of plugins that are either missing or aren't in the desired state of network activation/deactivation. This is because the file that creates this notice (mu-plugins/wcorg-network-plugin-control.php) as well as several of the plugins that it lists, were added to WordCamp.org after the provisioning script was written, and it hasn't been updated yet. There are also three plugins that get listed because they aren't available in the Meta repo because they haven't been open sourced yet, for a variety of reasons.

This admin notice is super confusing to new users when they first log into wordcamp.dev, because it looks like something didn't go right in the provisioning process.

Here's one way to address the problem:

  1. Update this file to include as many of the missing plugins as possible. ✅
  2. Update the WordCamp mysql dump file so that all the available plugins are in the activation states prescribed in mu-plugins/wcorg-network-plugin-control.php.
  3. Maybe add something to the sandbox-functionality.php file to unhook the admin notice so it won't confuse new users. If/when the remaining plugins are eventually open sourced, this part would no longer be necessary.
faddah commented 7 years ago

+1 for this.

grappler commented 7 years ago

The only plugins that I could not find were