WordPress / performance

Performance plugin from the WordPress Performance Group, which is a collection of standalone performance modules.
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Optimization Detective: Implement lazy-loading of background images #1035

Open westonruter opened 4 months ago

westonruter commented 4 months ago

Feature Description

At the WordCamp Asia Contributor Day, @shilo-ey shared a very interesting thing that Elementor is doing to optimize the loading of background images by lazy-loading them. Background images cannot be lazy-loaded using loading=lazy like regular images can since they are CSS and not img elements. So Elementor is using a clever approach to force all background images to be hidden after the first N with a style rule. Then it uses IntersectionObserver to remove the style rule once scrolling.


This could be done with Optimization Detective as well, but in a more accurate way since it wouldn't have to assume to not lazy-load the first N images and it can instead use the elements in the URL metrics to know which background images are actually in the initial viewport, and only exclude them from lazy-loading.

See also https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/59113

westonruter commented 3 months ago

See also this implementation that @erikyo just shared (see Slack thread): https://gist.github.com/erikyo/8e38a9bdeddfc3fea315399c0107ff09

Nevertheless, we need to be careful not to lazy-load a background image that is in the initial viewport.

erikyo commented 3 months ago

I'd like to provide an update to this thread since my exploration has progressed significantly since that initial gist!

My aim was to:

You can find the repository here along with the IIFE script (just in case you'd like to test it with your sources šŸ˜‰).

If you'd like to give it a try, I've prepared some pages for testing with different scenarios:

In my tests, the pages are only slightly slower (by 100ms) compared to native lazyload. However, since native lazyload requires custom markup, auto-lazyload should provide an immediate reduction in page load time without the need to make any changes (and revert changes when you no longer want to use this plugin), especially for platforms like WordPress where there are elements such as covers with backgrounds, videos without posters, etc. This immediate improvement in load time can be significant.

Feel free to explore and test these pages! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

erikyo commented 3 months ago

Another metric that i can provide to show how this plugin act on a real website, is the Wordpress.org homepage waterfall. I use the local override to overrideride the html file and inject the autolazyload script at the beginning of the body, the result is 11sec vs 17sec, not bad šŸŽ‰

Auto-Lazyload load

Current Wordpress website performance load2

rcwd commented 1 month ago

Hello, i tried your js class and it is working well. I have found an issue with background images added via js, i have this scenario:

<div id="mybgimage">.....</div>

    background-image: url(myimage.jpg);

@media only screen and (min-width: 592px){
    background-image: url(myimage-2.jpg);

@media only screen and (min-width: 1280px){
    background-image: url(myimage-3.jpg);

@media only screen and (min-width: 1536px){
    background-image: url(myimage-4.jpg);

What happens? By checking the Chrome console, all 4 bg images are downloaded in network tab. Is there a way to fix this?


erikyo commented 1 month ago

@rcwd thank you for testing! can you please file an issue here? šŸ‘‰ the autolazyload repo

rcwd commented 1 month ago

@erikyo thanks! Issue opened.

rcwd commented 1 month ago

Hello again @erikyo, is there a way to exclude some images to be lazyloaded?

erikyo commented 1 month ago

@rcwd please refer to my GH repository, don't post here because unrelated

short answer: at the moment no, but if you kindly can file a new issue I will try to solve it! šŸ˜‡