WordPress / servehappy

Information page about PHP versions and updates, to be used through the WordPress.org project.
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Steps to ensure the website is ready for a PHP upgrade #24

Open felixarntz opened 6 years ago

felixarntz commented 6 years ago

Let's collect ideas here for recommendations to give to the site owner so that they can determine whether their website is ready for a PHP upgrade to a modern version. Since we don't know about the technical / financial capabilities of the site owner, we just need to try our best to come up with universal things that decrease the chance of breakage.

These recommendations would belong into the [provide steps to prepare an update to PHP] section of https://github.com/WordPress/servehappy/issues/2#issuecomment-325455150.

felixarntz commented 6 years ago

Some ideas:

nerrad commented 6 years ago

Test things out on a staging/development site first.




felixarntz commented 6 years ago

As discussed in today's meeting, let's work on these steps through individual issues: https://github.com/WordPress/servehappy/labels/before%20upgrade