WordPress / servehappy

Information page about PHP versions and updates, to be used through the WordPress.org project.
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A modern version gives you access to the best plugins #4

Open felixarntz opened 6 years ago

felixarntz commented 6 years ago

Several popular quality plugins require a PHP version higher than 5.2. When using an outdated version, you do not have access to many of these solid plugins. Therefore the experience will be much more seamless on a supported version.

JDGrimes commented 6 years ago

Might be interesting to look at the top X plugins and see how many of them require a more recent version.

Zodiac1978 commented 6 years ago

Here is a list of the top 120 plugins: http://wp-info.org/plugin-top120/

Zodiac1978 commented 6 years ago

Requires 5.3+ https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/ https://wordpress.org/plugins/backwpup/ https://wptavern.com/buddypress-2-8-will-bump-minimum-php-requirement-to-5-3 https://mainwp.com/system-requirements/ https://ithemes.com/codex/page/BackupBuddy_Specifications:_Server_Configuration_and_Minimum_Requirements

Not in Top 120, but also requiring 5.3+: https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/ https://podlove.org/2014/08/14/podlove-publisher-2-phasing-out-php-5-3/ http://wp-tiles.com/docs/upgrading-from-php-5-2-to-php-5-3/ https://wp-types.com/toolset-requirements/ https://cometcache.com/blog/new-minimum-php-version-php-5-4/ http://wp-cli.org/#installing https://interconnectit.com/products/wordpress-performance-profiler/ https://www.getmotopress.com/plugins/ https://eventespresso.com/requirements/ https://thimpress.com/product/wp-pipes/ http://pdf-light-viewer.wp.teamlead.pw/wp-content/plugins/pdf-light-viewer/documentation/index.html https://www.oasisworkflow.com

Requires 5.6+ WooCommerce Stripe https://cinchws.com/woocommerce-stripe-plugin-now-requires-php-5-6/

Devs are using Composer sometimes, which itself is requiring 5.3.2+ https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#system-requirements

(This list is obviously not complete. I've not checked all of the Top 120 plugins. Just a sample of some plugins requiring 5.3+)

mindctrl commented 6 years ago

I don't think the wp-info.org top 120 list is accurate. For example, it's missing WP Forms, which has 500k+ active installs. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpforms-lite/

JDGrimes commented 6 years ago

Also worth noting that some plugins recommend higher versions, even if they don't require them. WooCommerce recommends PHP 5.6+. And of course, Yoast SEO is actively pushing users to update. These plugins are both in the top 10.

Zodiac1978 commented 6 years ago

@JDGrimes Yes, that's true. BackWPup is working with PHP 5.2, but then it does not support all backup methods.

@mindctrl Nice catch. I ping the author of the page.

ePascalC commented 6 years ago

@mindctrl @Zodiac1978 The job to bring in the plugins from the top120 seems indeed to have failed for weeks. It's now updated and will run regularly again. Thanks for notifying!