WordPress / sustainability

WordPress Sustainability Team
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Adopt and integrate Open Collective #24

Open gusaus opened 6 months ago

gusaus commented 6 months ago

Open Collective provides a platform for financial transparency and collective funding, offering a structured way to support the WordPress project and its community. It allows individuals and organizations to contribute funds toward various aspects of the WordPress ecosystem, such as core development, community events, plugins, documentation, and more.


Ways WordPress can adopt and integrate

Top-level WordPress collective

There are several WordPress collectives for a variety of projects and purposes, but nothing 'official' to sustain core and grow the community. While there's been discussion about adoption and integration (several mentions in Open Source and how we sustain ourselves - WordPress.org Project), there's no centralized way to fund community projects, teams, working groups, and contributors (and recognize those contributions).

One of the main reasons (for lack of widespread adoption/success) is murkiness around Open Collective as it's both an open source platform (https://github.com/opencollective) and fiscal sponsorship service (fiscal hosting in Open Collective speak).

We recommend using Open Collective's entity specifically set up to sustain open source projects to remove the burden/responsibility of WPF handling funds. OSC also provides a variety of services - including providing employment, payroll, and benefits to contributors.

Implementation steps

Stand-alone Fund

A Fund is a profile designed for one or a few large sponsor companies to move chunks of money and frictionlessly distribute it to as many collectives as they want.

Implementation steps include:

"WordPress" Project on the FundOSS Fund

Projects are a lightweight way for collectives to manage budgets for initiatives independent of their parent collectives. The FundOSS team (in collaboration with WordPress community admins) would create a project to

Implementation steps include:

Related Issues


gusaus commented 4 weeks ago

Realizing this project is now being surfaced during team meetings (for example), I wanted to provide some additional context for those able to attend...

...basically to say that we can't actually move forward with next steps before leadership approves the proposal.

Share this issue with community evaluators and decision-makers

You'll see the first implementation step has been checked off as I shared this Canvas with @josephahaden + other leaders/decision-makers several months ago and have been periodically following up ever since.