WordPress / sustainability

WordPress Sustainability Team
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Create meeting agenda template #34

Open YellowlimeNL opened 2 months ago

YellowlimeNL commented 2 months ago

The Training Team's meeting agenda is seen as an extroardinary example of good meeting manamement.

Here's my attempt to merge the meeting agenda from the Training Team to a meeting agenda the WP Sustainability Team can currently use:

WP Sustainability Team meetings start at 12:00 UTC weekly on Fridays. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the meeting by commenting in Slack threads during the meeting and throughout the following days. Meeting notes will be published by the following Tuesday to also incorporate these asynchronous conversations.

This week’s meeting will be hosted by MEETING_HOST.

  1. News

    A. Meeting Note Takers


    B. Looking for feedback

    item 1 item 2

    C. Looking for volunteers

    item 1 item 2

    D. Other news

    item 1 item 2.

  2. Come and Contribute

    A. Content ready for review

    B. Feedback awaiting validation

    C. Good first issues for newcomers

  3. Issue updates

Pending issues

  1. Faculty Updates

    What have you been working on and how has it been going? Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting? Do you have any blockers? Can other Faculty or SustainabilityTeam members help you in some way?

  2. Open Discussions

If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please leave them as a comment on this issue.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Sustainability Team, then come walk through our welcome page to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #sustainability Slack channel at any time.

noraferreiros commented 1 month ago

I just wanted to point out that we are in the testing phase of the new format for organising meetings and notes. We will be testing and refining it to achieve a template that is well adapted to the needs of the team.

I myself, as a contributor and also as a note-taker, have already identified areas for improvement. So, be patient and leave your feedback and suggestions for changes if you have any.

gusaus commented 1 month ago

I want ahead and created an initial template (https://github.com/WordPress/sustainability/blob/trunk/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/meeting_agenda.md) using https://github.com/WordPress/Learn/blob/trunk/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/04-meeting-agenda.md as a guide.

For the format, I incorporated elements of @YellowlimeNL's draft above along with other teams/groups in WordPress and even Drupal.

Also created https://github.com/WordPress/sustainability/issues/43 from the template (https://github.com/WordPress/sustainability/issues/new/choose) mainly to get a sense for how it works and what we should do to meet the needs of our team.

With regards to feedback @YellowlimeNL provided in https://github.com/WordPress/sustainability/issues/43#issuecomment-2123157805

I have some doubt by having so many topics to be discussed. Knowing the team is still little, but growing, don't you think it's more wise to tacke a few topics and push them really forward?

Having participated in (or observed) a variety of meetings, it seems like the primary goal is to raise awareness to all projects and priorities rather than have discussions around or contribute to a few. Even the larger teams (Community, Training, Marketing, etc.) have relatively little real-time discussions during their meetings, but they provide clear entry points for (new and current) contributors by referencing and directing folks to issues and discussions.

That said, it will take a bit of trial and error to make the template and format work for not only our team, but other teams and working groups with overlapping goals and projects.

I'd love to help by test driving the template/format during a bi-weekly meeting (see https://github.com/WordPress/sustainability/issues/20#issuecomment-2080316518), and would recommend whoever is running the meeting on Friday test out https://github.com/WordPress/sustainability/issues/43


YellowlimeNL commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you so much @gusaus! We're using your concept now as a template during meetings.