WordPress / theme-experiments

Experimenting with themes made out of blocks.
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Recreate Twenty Twenty Blocks as a universal or hybrid theme? #261

Open carolinan opened 3 years ago

carolinan commented 3 years ago

Twenty Twenty Blocks is not maintained and it might be more useful to attempt to recreate this as a theme where styles are controlled via theme.json.

jffng commented 3 years ago

I second this.

Regarding Universal / Hybrid, do you see value to adding php templates that load block template parts? This way, the theme could be loaded in WP 5.8 without the plugin.

pbking commented 3 years ago

The way I understand things, the HTML templates could still be leveraged sans-PHP and still work in WP 5.8 without the plugin and is how I hope "universal themes" are established.

It looks like a great theme to re-create as a universal theme however and perhaps a really good opportunity to better establish what that means. :)

MaggieCabrera commented 3 years ago

I think it's a great idea, since it will showcase what can be done already using global styles on an existing site. It would be interesting to see how much css we can remove from the theme just by using theme.json and maybe changing part of the php templates to use blocks too.

carolinan commented 3 years ago

Regarding Universal / Hybrid, do you see value to adding php templates that load block template parts?

I think there is need for more than one example.

fklein-lu commented 2 years ago

Just stumbled upon this ticket. I already have created a hybrid version of the Twenty Twenty theme, see https://github.com/WP-Development-Courses/hybrid-twenty-twenty

I emphasize the hybrid part though, it's not a universal theme, as all of the Customizer code has been removed.