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Experiment: Test rule sheet #45

Closed StevenDufresne closed 3 years ago

StevenDufresne commented 3 years ago

This is an auto-generated markdown table. Edits here will be replaced.

ID Category Type Rule Details Exception Notes
safe1 Privacy All Themes must disable any tracking and collection of user data by default and must be opt-in.
safe2 Privacy All Themes must include documentation on how any user data is collected, and used, and needs to be included in the theme readme.txt file, preferably with a clearly stated privacy policy.
safe3 Code All Themes can't have PHP or JavaScript errors, warnings or notices.
safe4 Code All Themes must validate and/or sanitize untrusted data before entering it into the database
safe5 Code All Themes must escape all untrusted data before output (See: Data Validation)
safe6 Code All Themes All Themes Provide a unique prefix for everything the theme defines in the public namespace including options, functions, global variables, constants, post meta, wp_enqueue_script/style handle names, add_image_size names, wp_script_add_data keys, slugs/ids for new categories created with register_block_pattern_category etc. unless its a menu location or sidebar id.
safe7 Importing or downloading All Themes can't import content to a user’s site
safe8 Importing or downloading All Themes can't link directly to an XML, JSON, ZIP, or other files for direct download or import
safe9 Importing or downloading All Themes can't bundle demo content via an XML, JSON, ZIP, or other files
safe10 Plugins All Themes can't include plugins in the theme folder or download plugins automatically
safe11 Plugins All Themes can't include plugin functionality If you are not sure if a feature is plugin territory, contact the team and ask first. themes@wordpress.org.
safe12 Plugins All Themes can recommend plugins that are hosted on WordPress.org
safe13 Plugins All Themes must only install plugins by installed by user action
safe14 Plugins All Themes can recommend GPL compatible plugins that are not hosted on WordPress.org in the readme file or the themes information page but may not include a direct link to the download for security reasons.
safe15 Plugins All Themes can include a link to the product page for the recommended plugin but not directly to the download file.
global1 Accessibility All Themes must have skip links that include a mechanism that enables users to navigate directly to content or navigation on entering any given page unless it is a block theme, skip links are added automatically to the
global2 Accessibility All Themes must have skip links that may be positioned off-screen initially but must be available to screen reader users and must be visible on focus for sighted keyboard navigators
global3 Accessibility All Themes must have skip links that are the first focusable element perceived by a user via a screen reader or keyboard navigation
global4 Accessibility All Themes must have skip links that are visible when keyboard focus moves to the link
global5 Accessibility All Themes must have skip links that move focus to the main content area of the page when activated unless there is nothing to skip past, such as a menu or larger header section or secondary widget area before the main content.
global6 Accessibility All Themes must have keyboard navigation that provide visual keyboard focus highlighting in navigation menus and for form fields, submit buttons and text links.
global7 Accessibility All Themes must have keyboard navigation that makes all controls and links reachable by keyboard.
global8 Accessibility All Themes must have keyboard navigation that makes all controls usable with the mouse usable with the keyboard, regardless of device and screen size. Including but not limited to responsive versions for small screens, mobile and other touch screen devices. Further reading.
global9 Accessibility All Themes must have underlined links within content and comments that are distinguishes by an underlined a no other style unless they are in navigation-like contexts (e.g. menus, lists of upcoming posts in widgets, grouped post meta data)
global10 Accessibility All Themes must meet additional requirements if the theme has the tag ‘accessibility-ready’
global11 Language & internationalization All Themes must use gettext for all text strings for translation
global12 Language & internationalization All Themes must include the theme slug as the text-domain in style.css that is the name of the theme in lower case, with spaces replaced by -. It is also the folder name for the theme.
global13 Language & internationalization All Themes If the theme uses a framework then no more than 2 unique slugs may be used (like tgmpa, redux-framework, kirki or some other allowed framework)
global14 Language & internationalization All Themes can use any language for text that only uses one language
quality9 Functionality and Features All Themes must use the admin_notices API for all notifications generated by the theme.
quality10 Functionality and Features All Themes must make notices dismissible.
quality11 Functionality and Features All Themes must follow core UI design for everything wrapped in the admin notice
quality12 Functionality and Features All Themes can't place WordPress features behind a paywall
quality13 Functionality and Features All Themes can't remove, hide, or otherwise block the admin bar from appearing
quality14 Functionality and Features All Themes can't redirect on theme activation or modify activation
quality15 Presentation vs Functionality All Themes can't include custom post types
quality16 Presentation vs Functionality All Themes can't include custom blocks
quality17 Presentation vs Functionality All Themes can't include shortcodes
quality18 Presentation vs Functionality All Themes can't include functionality that is not related to design and presentation.
distribute1 Selling, credits, and links All Themes can include one single front facing credit link, which is restricted to the Theme URI or Author URI defined in style.css
distribute2 Selling, credits, and links All Themes can have an additional footer credit link pointing to WordPress.org
distribute3 Selling, credits, and links All Themes must state explicitly that the products you’re selling/distributing (free and paid) are GPL compatible that needs to be in an easy-to-find place for visitors.
distribute4 Selling, credits, and links All Themes can't display “obtrusive” upselling
distribute5 Selling, credits, and links All Themes can't have affiliate URLs or links
distribute6 Licensing & copyright All Themes must be compatible with the GNU General Public License Although any GPL-compatible license is acceptable, using the same license as WordPress — “GPLv2 or later” — is strongly recommended. All code, data, and images — anything in the theme zip file — must comply with the GPL or a GPL-Compatible license.
distribute7 Licensing & copyright All Themes must include third-party libraries, code, images, or otherwise that are GPL-compatible For a specific list of compatible licenses, please read the GPL-Compatible license list on gnu.org.
distribute8 Licensing & copyright All Themes must declare copyright for the theme itself.
distribute9 Licensing & copyright All Themes must declare license, copyright information, and source for all resources included such as fonts or images. that is provided in a list of all resources in one file. unless the assets are public domain
distribute10 Licensing & copyright All Themes must include code and design that are your own or legally yours Cloning of designs is not acceptable
distribute11 Licensing & copyright All Themes must only display the user’s copyright that is not the theme author’s copyright. Front end
distribute12 Files All Themes must include all scripts, images, videos and other resources rather than hot-linking. unless the resource is from Google Fonts.
distribute13 Files All Themes Main stylesheet
distribute14 Files All Themes must use headers in style.css that follow the guidelines and requirements for the main stylesheet in the Theme Developer Handbook.
distribute15 Files All Themes can include 'Theme URI' in style.css that must be about the theme hosted on WordPress.org. If the URI is a demo site, the content must be about the theme itself and not test data and cannot be wordpress.org. It's reserved for the default themes (Twenty *).
distribute16 Files All Themes can include 'Author URI' in style.css that links to a page or website about the author, author theme shop, or author project/development website.
distribute17 Files All Themes must have tags in style.css that match what the theme actually does in respect to functionality and design and doesn't use more than 3 subject tags (See: Theme Tag List).
distribute18 Files All Themes must include a readme.txt file that doesn't have empty lines in the file header
distribute19 Files All Themes must include a readme.txt file that has the 'tested up to' field
distribute20 Files All Themes must include a readme.txt file That has onle one WordPress.org username listed in the contributors field.
distribute21 Files All Themes can't have minification of scripts or files unless the original files are also in the theme folder.
distribute22 Files All Themes must use WordPress’ default libraries. WordPress includes a number of libraries such as jQuery. For security and stability reasons themes may not include those libraries in their own code. Instead themes must use the versions of those libraries packaged with WordPress. For a list of all JavaScript libraries included in WordPress, please review Default Scripts Included and Registered by WordPress.
distribute23 Files All Themes can't have images that promote hate or violence or images that show children with recognizable facial or body features.
distribute24 Files All Themes can't have a screenshot that looks like an advertisement The reviewer can subjectively ask you to change screenshots if they find that it is not appropriate.
distribute25 Files All Themes can't have a screenshot bigger than 1200 x 900px
distribute26 Files All Themes must a ratio of width to height of 4:3
distribute33 Presentation vs Functionality All Themes Warning: Showing preview/demo data or manipulating the preview on WordPress.org is not allowed and can result in suspension or your user account being terminated
distribute34 Naming, spelling and trademarks All Themes can't use: WordPress, Theme, Twenty* in their name
distribute35 Naming, spelling and trademarks All Themes must spell “WordPress” correctly in all public-facing text: all one word, with both an uppercase W and P
distribute36 Naming, spelling and trademarks All Themes can't have violation of trademarks.


These rules are related to uploading themes to .org. ID Category Rule
system1 Theme author and theme upload restrictions Only submit one new theme at the time. You can submit unlimited updates for your existing themes that are in the theme directory.
system2 Theme author and theme upload restrictions A theme must be complete at the time of submission. Names cannot be “reserved” for future use or to protect brands.
system3 Theme author and theme upload restrictions Licensing of themes distributed outside the theme directory
system4 Theme author and theme upload restrictions If you distribute themes, you may only distribute themes that are 100% compatible with GPL.
system5 Theme author and theme upload restrictions Otherwise you can not add themes to the WordPress.org Theme Directory (See explanation).
system6 Theme author and theme upload restrictions Example: If you have a Themeforest account and you’re selling themes on it, all those themes need to state on their sales page that they are 100% GPL compatible (Info).
system7 Theme author and theme upload restrictions You can have multiple accounts with the following restrictions:
system8 Theme author and theme upload restrictions You can’t have more than one (1) open ticket in any of the trac reports/queues or under review. That means you can’t have one (1) theme ticket from an account and another one from a secondary account, simultaneously open in any of the queues.
system9 Theme author and theme upload restrictions Failing to respect the above requirement will result in the closing of all tickets and not having the possibility to upload those themes again. Also, a 1 month no upload possibility for each ticket closed. Depending on the severity of the case, you might also end up with a permanent ban on all your accounts.
system10 Theme author and theme upload restrictions To avoid penalties, the team requests that you disclose all your accounts by emailing us at themes[at]wordpress.org.
system11 Naming, spelling and trademarks The themes team can decline themes based on the name and can request that the name be changed, if they deem the name inappropriate or too similar to the name of an existing theme or brand.
carolinan commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I was going to create a table for what is in the text on the requirements page, and list whether automated checks already exist or not.

carolinan commented 3 years ago

Also a reminder that there will be more changes and reductions, and changes that the team is making to the requirements need to be presented and discussed by the community and are not set in stone.

carolinan commented 3 years ago

If numbers can be added, I can easer point to the things the team changed last week 🤔

StevenDufresne commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I was going to create a table for what is in the text on the requirements page, and list whether automated checks already exist or not.

I figured it would be useful for development but not sure how and where to put it so I just dropped it here for now. I'm not sure how it helps the documentation and decision process ya'll are working on yet but willing to update it so it also makes sense for the Theme team to use as well.

Also a reminder that there will be more changes and reductions, and changes that the team is making to the requirements need to be presented and discussed by the community and are not set in stone.

Yep totally fair, this is mostly automated assuming that would be the case.

If numbers can be added, I can easer point to the things the team changed last week


carolinan commented 3 years ago


Safe 14 Safe 15

Updated: distribute12 https://github.com/WPTT/Theme-Requirements/blob/master/Requirements.md#9-files No remote resources are allowed without user consent Include all scripts, images, videos and other resources in the theme zip file. The only exception to this requirement is Google Fonts.

Do not: -Use CDN or similar services -Fetch any files or data from a remote resource, including your own websites, without the user's explicit consent.

This is because of GDRPR and privacy requirements and because remote resources can not be reviewed.

Updated: Distribute 18, 19, 20 , readme.txt now says: A valid readme.txt file must be included.

An example of what a valid file means will be included on the requirements page, see current example at https://make.wordpress.org/themes/handbook/review/required/#example

distribute20 was removed because even if this information would include more than one username, these are not actually used in the theme directory, the data in style.css is. This might change if the directory is updated to allow more than one author.

StevenDufresne commented 3 years ago

Closing in favor of https://github.com/WPTT/Theme-Requirements/issues/12