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Plugins: Don't show the adminbar #294

Closed jasmussen closed 4 months ago

jasmussen commented 4 months ago

It's okay to show the adminbar when you're logged in. But we should not show it logged out:


The login and register links can usefully be shown when you enter a "Submit a plugin" flow. As part of https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/issues/647 we can also show them in secondary navigation.


ryelle commented 4 months ago

Should we remove the admin bar for logged-out/no-site-permissions users now, or does this require https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/issues/647 to be in place first?

jasmussen commented 4 months ago

I would lean towards yes. Can you elaborate on "no-site-permissions users", however? If a user is logged out, how would we know their permissions?

But the main instinct for showing this: the login/register links are very prominent and not well contextual. There's a "Submit a plugin" flow already, that features a log-in link, so if you are logged out and need to log in, there's a flow for that, even before we can finish the larger piece.

ryelle commented 4 months ago

Can you elaborate on "no-site-permissions users"

Logged out users are a separate case. Logged-in users are users with a WordPress.org account, but that doesn't mean they have permission to do anything on a given site. Most people are "no site permissions" users, though that's different for different sites. For example, someone might have permission to post on make/core, but can't view the plugin moderation queue.

Put visually, here's the admin bar for the Plugin Directory for each of the 3:

"Logged out": Anonymous user, can only log in or register (those are two separate links).


"No site permissions": Logged in, your average user, has no actions on the site.


Logged in, this is my super admin account, but any moderator/author/etc would also have at lease some actions here. This is the one I think we need to keep, because these actions are useful.


But the main instinct for showing this: the login/register links are very prominent and not well contextual.

Honestly I think adding these links into the local navigation bar will make them more prominent & unexpected, but that's another discussion. In general, the things that require log in (viewing favorites, making submissions) do have "log in" links first (I've checked patterns, plugins, and themes).

jasmussen commented 4 months ago

Thank you for clarifying. The main thing is that the admin-bar works best as an affordance for logged-in users of a WordPress site, and so it's mainly the logged out users case we need to handle.

The problem with log-in links in that space is that it's hierarchically not the best page, suggesting global context rather than local. I know that's the case, but conceptually it isn't, and we want to avoid people thinking they need to log-in in order to use the site. I suspect they also feel less prominent probably because us WordPress users are trained to ignore the adminbar unless we need it. In this particular case, I'd agree with you that the submit/edit plugin flows is the most useful place to show log-in links. The secondary toolbar can work in addition to that, and feels worth a shot.

StevenDufresne commented 4 months ago

@jasmussen Can you summarize the expectations here for clarity?

jasmussen commented 4 months ago

Some of the challenges with the adminbar:

That suggests a few things:

My suggestions would then be:

StevenDufresne commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the clarity @jasmussen. @ndiego Since most of that feedback applies across the site and is not specific to plugins, should we move this conversation to a different place?

ndiego commented 4 months ago

Yes, I think we can close this and address follow-ups for the site as a whole separately. https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/issues/647 seems a good place to continue the discussion.