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TOC links go 404 #29

Closed bph closed 1 year ago

bph commented 1 year ago

On the page, Tips and guidelines for writers, we use the Table of Contents- block that was converted to a static list. Now when I click on the anchor links, I get a 404 message. See video:


The link looks right: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/2022/11/18/want-to-write-for-the-developer-blog/#be-a-person-talking-to-a-person

ryelle commented 1 year ago

It looks like the URL for this is now https://developer.wordpress.org/news/tips-and-guidelines-for-writers/ — was it converted from a post to a page? The URL https://developer.wordpress.org/news/2022/11/18/want-to-write-for-the-developer-blog/ does not exist on the site.

I'm guessing that the Table of Contents was converted to a static list before whatever URL change happened, and since it's a static list now, those links need to be updated manually.

bph commented 1 year ago

You you are fast, @ryelle - I just added it while I was doing something else to get back to it when I was finished. Thanks for jumping on it! Yep, it doesn't look right. The conversion to static was indeed before the page was published. TBH, I hate the implementation of the TOC block in core because it doesn't give me a choice except via conversion to static to get bulleted list instead of numbered list. It shouldn't need a conversion to get bullet list, and get all the links out of sync completely. No user will grasp that. But I digress.

I'll fix it, when Mary is done editing that page.

bph commented 1 year ago

Seems to work again.