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Add the WordPress Playground Block plugin #520

Open ndiego opened 1 month ago

ndiego commented 1 month ago

The Playground Block plugin registers a block that displays WordPress Playground instances in post content. The plugin is available in the WordPress.org repository and is maintained on GitHub by WordPress contributors.

Enabling the block on the developer.wordpress.org multisite will allow us to display code examples alongside live previews in Handbooks that are currently using blocks (like Themes). Instead of just presenting a code example, readers will be able to see the example in action and interact with the code. I believe this will improve the developer education experience for both extenders and Core contributors.

I am not sure what the vetting process is for new plugins on WordPress.org, so please let me know if additional information is needed. Also, if this issue should be opened in a different repo, or on Trac, I'm happy to move it.

adamwoodnz commented 1 month ago

The plugin is already installed on the network, and is already activated on Learn. Any reason not to activate on Developer too @dd32 @StevenDufresne ?

StevenDufresne commented 1 month ago

Should be fine to turn on.

adamwoodnz commented 1 month ago

It seems the plugin still hasn't completed an accessibility review, see https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C01KC5VDQBC/p1717035971866509?thread_ts=1717011768.294689&cid=C01KC5VDQBC

adamwoodnz commented 1 month ago

I've created a test page on the Learn staging site at https://learn.wordpress.org/test/wordpress-playground-block-plugin-test-page/ for this testing

ndiego commented 1 month ago

cc @adamziel regarding the accessibility review discussion.