WordPress / wporg-documentation-2022

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Template: Landing pages for topics #4

Closed ryelle closed 1 year ago

ryelle commented 1 year ago

There will be four new top-level category landing pages: WordPress Overview, Technical Guides, Support Guides, and Customization. Since WordPress does not support archive pages in this designed format, I've suggested making these pages with multiple query loops of each "subcategory".

These pages would have URLs like w.org/support/wordpress-overview, w.org/support/technical-guides, etc. There could still be categories with these names, but it's not necessary.


Desktop Mobile

A quick breakdown of how this could work:

ryelle commented 1 year ago

Like #12, this has also been updated to show a single column of just article titles: Category

ryelle commented 1 year ago

I've pushed up two patterns and a page template that can be used when building these pages.

  1. Create a new page, add the title
  2. Assign it the "Topic Landing Page" template
  3. Add the "Page Header" pattern, update the content (heading and paragraph)
  4. Add an "Articles by Category" pattern, and update the heading
  5. In the query loop, update the category used in the sidebar, under Filters
  6. Add another "Articles by Category" pattern, update the content
  7. Repeat until all the relevant categories are added
  8. Publish the page

Here's an example page content, what I've been using to test.

Example page content ```html

Technical Guides

Learn how to install WordPress and keep it secure and healthy

ryelle commented 1 year ago

Before this can be viewed on the frontend, the theme switcher code will need to be updated to add the pages to the allowed list here, so we'll need a list of those pages to create on the site first.

ryelle commented 1 year ago

This issue can be considered "done" once those pages are created on the live site.

estelaris commented 1 year ago

Comment from Jono:

The actual URL structure isn't hugely important, as long as;

category/subcategory/articlecan be preferable from an analytics/reporting perspective, as it makes it easier to (natively) subdivide data, tools, etc etc

ryelle commented 1 year ago

Noting that in a DM conversation with me, @estelaris confirmed that this approach - using pages for these top-level category archive views - will work. Those categories will also need to exist, and the site will still use the nested category structure from this spreadsheet.

The actual URL structure isn't hugely important

Right now, we're not doing anything fancy with URLs, so they'll look like default WP urls.

Ideally we can stay this way. If you need any changes, that should be a new issue, since this one's just about the structure of topic landing pages.

tellyworth commented 1 year ago

How does this fit into the launch process, if it involves creating new pages on the live site and perhaps redirecting old URLs?

With Showcase we launched it by switching the staging site to the live version. Should that be the plan here?

estelaris commented 1 year ago

@tellyworth I don't think that will work as smoothly as it did before. We have a number of pages to rename/remove and recategorize. @Ryelle is looking into how we proceed for content. Would a soft launch of the template only, while we work on fixing the content work? And schedule the final launch early in the New year?

ryelle commented 1 year ago

I've created an issue where we can talk about the redirects specifically https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-documentation-2022/issues/21

ryelle commented 1 year ago

I've created these pages on the staging site:

Technical Guides is the only one with categories that currently exist on the site, so it's the only one I was able to fully set up. The rest are just using placeholder content for now.

ryelle commented 1 year ago

These 4 pages have been updated with the correct content 👍🏻

Thanks @estelaris!