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Add local navigation to the About page #385

Closed ndiego closed 5 months ago

ndiego commented 5 months ago

We have begun introducing local navigation on a number of new site redesigns. Showcase and the new Developer Resources sites are good examples.

The About page has a number of important sub-pages, but they are very hard to find. You have to scroll to the very bottom of the page to see the links.


While there may be merit to redesigning the entire page, I propose we take an interim step and simply add local navigation to the About page. It could look something like the local navigation on the Developer Blog that features dropdowns for the respective categories.


It's worth noting that the internal About pages already have this local navigation.


What do you think @fcoveram and @jasmussen?

fcoveram commented 5 months ago

One of the improvements proposed in wporg-mu-plugins#535 for the global navigation is based on the same idea, initially suggested by @ryelle. Here is the video attached in the ticket mention for a quick view.


I would like us to evaluate the benefits of the proposal and its implementation in case we decide to do it.

ryelle commented 5 months ago

There's also some discussion on #255, though that predates the latest global nav + local nav designs that are in place (and should probably be closed in favor of this issue).

I think we could add a local nav bar to /about/ fairly easily, with a nav menu & dropdowns, since it already works on the Developer Blog.

As far as I can tell, the main change in the above global nav proposal is the breadcrumbs area, but we could leave that iteration for later and just make the nav change on /about/.

fcoveram commented 5 months ago

That sounds great to me @ryelle

courtneyr-dev commented 5 months ago

Iterative improvements are certainly welcome.