WordPress / wporg-main-2022

A block-based child theme for WordPress.org, plus local environment
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About: Add the full About section menu to the About pages #387

Closed ryelle closed 5 months ago

ryelle commented 5 months ago

Update the local navigation in the About section to be consistent across all About subpages, and add the menu to the main About page.

Requires https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/pull/570. Fixes #385.

Note: This does not add any of the iterations proposed in https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/issues/535, it only updates the navigation content.

~This change makes _nav-about-details.php, _nav-about-people.php, and _nav-about-technology.php have all the same content, but I've left them separate in case we decide to bring back this semi-sectioning idea. Happy to switch to a single _nav-about-subpage.php file instead if we'd rather be aggressively DRY.~ Update: Changed this to _nav-about-subpage.php, removed the other files, and updated all the page templates to call the new pattern.


Default With dropdown open
about about-dropdown
about-subpage about-subpage-dd

And on small screens:


How to test the changes in this Pull Request:

Use https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/pull/570 for mu-plugins, otherwise there will be PHP errors.

  1. View the About page
  2. There should be a local navigation bar with 3 dropdowns
  3. Click any page, the same navigation should appear on the subpages
  4. Try the same with a small screen, the navigation should work as expected
  5. View a Download subpage, there should be no change to the navigation here
  6. View the footer of the About page, the 3 menus in the page content should still work
adamwoodnz commented 5 months ago

Happy to switch to a single _nav-about-subpage.php file instead if we'd rather be aggressively DRY.

IMO lean towards YAGNI

jasmussen commented 5 months ago

Good catch, that looks like the default focus style. I think in some other pages we have a customized 1.5px box shadow. That'd be nice to just apply across, if possible. It can be inset to avoid being cropped.

fcoveram commented 5 months ago

@jasmussen's suggestion is documented in the local nav components as part of https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/issues/535 designs

Local item component with front-end specs annotations

ryelle commented 5 months ago

Works for me, I did notice that the focus outline is cut off when operating via keyboard: Outline colors look a little off too, (not blueberry?)

Yeah, as @fcoveram mentions, that will be applied with the other local nav improvements in wporg-mu-plugins.

is it worth trying to align the top of the overlay with the bottom of the nav bar?

The design has it offset like this (note that we can't have a different submenu background + mobile overlay background, which is why I went with the tan). This is also how the nav menu works by default, so it was easier to leave it be :)

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 11 39 41 AM
fcoveram commented 5 months ago

The design has it offset like this … This is also how the nav menu works by default, so it was easier to leave it be :)

Fully agree.

note that we can't have a different submenu background + mobile overlay background, which is why I went with the tan

Perfect. I'll update mockups for documentation purposes.