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Login/Register links, move to secondary navigation, remove adminbar #420

Open jasmussen opened 3 months ago

jasmussen commented 3 months ago

Doing a quick review of navigating across all sections of WordPress.org this morning, and noticing a jump in the top navigation for every page that shows the adminbar. It seems that in every case where the adminbar shows, it exists to surface the login and register links. Here are pages that show the adminbar for this reason.













Make (both landing and all P2s):






Also for reference, when you click "Log In" you see this page:


When you click "Register" you see this page:


In all these cases, those login/register links exist in context of those pages either being editable by contributors, or places where people can submit themes patterns, or otherwise. Those are all page-contextual actions, however, which suggest hierarchically those links should exist in context of the page, rather than in context of the site as they do when they are the first thing on the page.

Outside of fixing the hierarchy, addressing the jump is especially important on mobile, where those buttons get extra prominence and height:

mobile news


Mockup showing a single unified Log in/Register link:

login register links

This single link leans into #241, which puts a "Register" link right on the login page that'll take you there:

dd32 commented 3 months ago

Can we remove the log-in links and adminbar from Five for the Future? It's not clear why it needs to be there at all.

Done. It's there because it's primarily for logged in users, as that's how you manage your pledge - but if you don't know how to login, probably not actively contributing.

jasmussen commented 3 months ago

Ah good note. To clarify, if you are logged in it's okay to show the adminbar across all sections. And in fact ideally we show it across all sections if you're logged in, so you don't get an inverse jump in that case of the adminbar disappearing.

tobifjellner commented 3 months ago

Is showing menu items like "my favorites" for not logged-in visitors desirable?

jasmussen commented 3 months ago

Is showing menu items like "my favorites" for not logged-in visitors desirable?

I'd think so, yes, it makes clear a benefit you get from logging in. Besides, clicking Favorites if logged in, would take you to a screen prompting you to do that.