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Content updates from Page Editor #449

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 3 weeks ago

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

The content has changed in the Page Editor. Please review, merge, and deploy.

ryelle commented 3 weeks ago

Props @jasmussen for the initial banner.

This is a larger version of the WCEU announcement banner, intended to go live before the event. @thetinyl @DanSoschin when should this be deployed?

I've tweaked the banner slightly (to add the link destination, and to add some custom CSS to get it displaying better). Does this look like what you expected, @jasmussen?

400 580 880
banner-400 banner-580 banner-880
1200 1600
banner-1200 banner-1600
thetinyl commented 3 weeks ago

This looks great! Thanks @jasmussen and @ryelle.

jasmussen commented 3 weeks ago

This can work. From the screenshots it looks like you fixed a padding issue, but I had to go in and do a small edit to the top padding so that the paragraphs line up between the left and right ones. Did I break your padding in the mean time?

ryelle commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah, re-syncing blew away the CSS changes here. I still have it locally so I can push again.

When should this go live?

ryelle commented 3 weeks ago

@jasmussen The left and right paragraphs have different line heights (the intro one uses the "short text" style). Should the WCEU text also be updated to use that?

jasmussen commented 3 weeks ago

Yes please, thank you! Sorry about the custom CSS.

jasmussen commented 3 weeks ago

I pushed another update to change this to the post-event banner instead. This will still need a final link, and a YT embed link, and the custom CSS was probably blasted away again. Thanks for helping!

ryelle commented 3 weeks ago

the custom CSS was probably blasted away again

All good, I have it saved locally so that I can easily reapply it :)

I've made a few tweaks:

This does mean there is currently no CTA link here, and the video is very small to watch a presentation. What do you think about changing that to an image-link to the youtube page instead of an embed? Do we need to keep people watching on wp.org?

Current iteration:

1440w 600w
Screen Shot 2024-06-13 at 11 57 14 Screen Shot 2024-06-13 at 11 57 27
jasmussen commented 3 weeks ago

Looks good.

This is the first iteration of the "hero takeover", and there are likely some things we can learn from this process to make it even better next time. Thanks for the work.

jasmussen commented 3 weeks ago

This does mean there is currently no CTA link here, and the video is very small to watch a presentation. What do you think about changing that to an image-link to the youtube page instead of an embed? Do we need to keep people watching on wp.org?

I'd keep the embed as-is. The YT embed is common enough that people are likely to know how to interact with it. Whether that's pressing play and maximize, or clicking the title to go to YouTube instead. Not a strong opinion, happy to defer.

DanSoschin commented 3 weeks ago

The size of the video is okay; I was asked to embed it to remove a "click". But folks should hopefully be able to click into the embed if desired to go to a larger version.

As far as a CTA goes, we were asked only to promote the mid-year project update, but we could add the following text + link in the box:

"More details" https://wordpress.org/news/2024/05/wordcamp-europe-2024-mid-year-update-and-qa-with-matt-mullenweg/

ryelle commented 3 weeks ago

The size of the video is okay; I was asked to embed it to remove a "click"

People are still going to need to click through to see anything, but I'll defer to the request and leave it.

As far as a CTA goes, we were asked only to promote the mid-year project update, but we could add the following text + link in the box: "More details"

Can you provide a slightly more specific link text for this? Descriptive links are better for accessibility. Or we can omit this — I just wanted to note that without the recap link there isn't a link in this version.

DanSoschin commented 3 weeks ago

"Event details" "More event details" "Explore WCEU"

I think any of the above could work.

daveloodts commented 3 weeks ago

I'm curious about this sentence: As far as a CTA goes, we were asked only to promote the mid-year project update, but we could add the following text + link in the box: "More details"

Who asked this? Why can't other speakers on WCEU2024 be celebrated too?

Suggestion about the cta: "More video's about WCEU2024." or "More video's & recap of WCEU2024"

If you embed a YouTube video, be aware to use the no-cookie link of YouTube; there's tracking on a regular YouTube embed. When you use the regular one, wordpress.org should need a cookie banner.

ryelle commented 3 weeks ago

It looks like core doesn't support the nocookie embed yet, so I've used the embed code from youtube directly, in a custom HTML block. Unfortunately, the content permissions strip iframes, so I've had to work around that on my sandbox. This means if anyone else saves the page, it'll wipe the iframe content (though it will still need this PR/deploy step, so it won't break anything).

I'm waiting on confirmation from @DanSoschin that I've grabbed the correct youtube URL, once I have that I can deploy this.