WordPress / wporg-mu-plugins

Development of the Global Header and other mu-plugins used on WordPress.org.
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Personal area in Local nav component #621

Open fcoveram opened 4 weeks ago

fcoveram commented 4 weeks ago

Based on wporg-theme-directory#55 report, I explored an idea for separating the links to pages related to user's personal area in the local nav.

The section uses the link style and includes a dot separator between public and personal area on desktop, and a menu section with white at 10% border on mobile. This idea aims to update all site sections where this case exist. As per my knowledge, the sections involved are: Learn, Themes, Plugins, and Patterns.

Below you can see how those sections would look like on desktop and the mobile version of Learn, and in this section the Figma mockups.

Local nav with personal area on desktop and mobile

This change relates to the following tickets in one or another way.

ryelle commented 4 days ago

I've added this by creating a has-separator helper class. Any nav item with that class will add a · to the left (or right, on RTL sites).

This needs to be updated on the child sites, still.