WordPress / wporg-theme-directory

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Favorite button: Add visible text to button #107

Closed ryelle closed 1 month ago

ryelle commented 1 month ago

Fixes #79 — This adds a visible label next to the :heart: icon for favoriting themes. The label is "Add to favorites" or "Favorited" depending on the favorite status. The screen reader label is still the action ("Add to favorites" and "Remove from favorites"), and I've also added an announcement on success to let the screen reader user know that the add/remove succeeded.


Favorited Unfavorited
Screen Shot 2024-05-31 at 12 06 46 Screen Shot 2024-05-31 at 12 08 33

On small screens, the button wraps now.

How to test the changes in this Pull Request:

  1. View a theme (must be logged in)
  2. You should see the button with text
  3. Click it, the button should update to reflect the new state
  4. Reload the page, the theme should be favorited (or not) on reload

Try the same with a screen reader to hear the announcement.

jasmussen commented 1 month ago

Considering this as a change that should apply across the site, not just the Themes section, I wonder: is it just the permalink for Themes that has this more verbose version? Mainly noting that in some cases, the star (in the mockups that's still the favorite icon, I'm aware there's a separate conversation on whether it's star or heart) stands alone in list views:

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 09 10 44

Adding the text on the permalink page alone, also given it has a border around it, can work. How does this work in mobile contexts? Can it be "Favorite" and "Favorited"?

ryelle commented 1 month ago

On themes, we only show the button on single theme pages (that mockup you've shared was for the old full-redesign, I referenced it but didn't follow it for the refresh). This PR is only for the themes favorite button.

How does this work in mobile contexts?

The mobile screenshot is in the PR description, it's under the 2 desktop screenshots. It works exactly the same as desktop, it just wraps under the title.

If you want to have a conversation about unifying the favorite button, I've created a discussion here.

Do you have any requested changes for this PR, @jasmussen?

jasmussen commented 1 month ago

Oh my apologies, long day yesterday.

I think the discussion would be good to solve before moving forward, there are a few pieces here, across the icon, the label, showing numbers, etc.

ryelle commented 1 month ago

@jasmussen Just to be clear, you're saying that solving the "unified favorite button" blocks this PR? do you think it would block launching the theme refresh as well?

jasmussen commented 1 month ago

Just the PR could benefit from weighting. I prefer not to block, but if we know we eventually want to unify the appearance of this particular button across the three directories, it'll be misleading to diverge in the interim. So I'd suggest waiting, if you can. I know @fcoveram is busy with another thing today, but otherwise his input on the GH discussion I would appreciate.

ryelle commented 1 month ago

I can wait for more input, but I do just want to say— the work here is already done, and if this is an improvement on what's on production, I'd like to merge it. I had planned to come back to the "unify __ blocks" tasks after wrapping this iteration of the theme directory, as I mentioned at the end of the discussion topic there are other technical concerns that could make a unified favorite button take a bit longer to build, plus then deploying it out to all 3 sites.

jasmussen commented 1 month ago

I don't see it as an improvement. It doesn't wrap as well on mobile, and the increased prominence isn't clearly a benefit. And if we do mean to show like-counts across dirctories, and I expect we do, then it's not a benefit to merge this.

I don't mean it to sound dismissive of the effort, which I appreciate.

fcoveram commented 1 month ago

I do think this PR is an improvement.

It doesn't wrap as well on mobile, and the increased prominence isn't clearly a benefit.

The current favorited action of a pattern looks like this.

We can remove the label and keep the border style to make it look similar to Patterns. The report #79 points out a floating icon that feels detached from the page and this PR addresses that.

I have pending replying to the "unifying the fav action" discussion with a design that involves fav/liking, saving, and rating actions across the site, but that would take more time and should not block this work.

ryelle commented 1 month ago

And if we do mean to show like-counts across dirctories, and I expect we do, then it's not a benefit to merge this.

As I mentioned in the discussion, we don't currently have like-counts on the other directories. It would likely be more "divergent work" to try to add that here now, when we don't have a unified design yet.

We can remove the label and keep the border style to make it look similar to Patterns. The report #79 points out a floating icon that feels detached from the page and this PR addresses that.

That works for me, should I update the PR?

ndiego commented 1 month ago

We can remove the label and keep the border style to make it look similar to Patterns.

To iterate on this idea slightly, what if we did this and then repositioned the button slightly? Something like:

Proposed Patterns Directory
image image

This way, it looks pretty close to Patterns, and then we can reassess in the future with a unified design for favoriting.

jasmussen commented 1 month ago

Let's go with the suggestions—the bordered box would fit the number of likes if we choose to show that. Let's also follow up with a decision on whether to use hearts or stars. I'm in favor of the stars, but if you all want to go with the hearts, that's fine too. If we do that, hearts for all favoriting actions, and we can use the new SVGs here.

ryelle commented 1 month ago

Okay, here's what we've got in this PR now:

Favorited Unfavorited
Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 17 20 34 Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 17 21 05
fcoveram commented 1 month ago

This looks great to me 🚀