Wordseer / wordseer

The WordSeer text analysis tool, written in Flask.
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Make a better memory check in stringprocessor #89

Closed abendebury closed 10 years ago

abendebury commented 10 years ago

Currently we check if the length of a sentence is too long and fail if it is.

Alternative solutions:

  1. If the sentence is too long, then go to the next sentence and print a warning.
  2. If too many resources are being used, then stop the process, print a warning, and go to the next sentence.
  3. Have users set a config variable for maximum sentence length, do the first thing.
abendebury commented 10 years ago

Remove this length check.

abendebury commented 10 years ago

Email aditi about it.

abendebury commented 10 years ago

Fixed now that we're splitting the sentence creatively.