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g3000 v0.6.0/0.6.1 performance #1136

Open cywang90 opened 3 years ago

cywang90 commented 3 years ago

There have been multiple reports of people having poor performance with g3000 v0.6.0. QA testing on my end did not show any major performance issues, memory leaks, or degradation over time (I was able to complete dozens of short test flights as well as two longer ones up to 3.5 hours in length without issue). However, everyone's PC and setup is different, so I will need the community's help in tracking down the root cause.

If you are having performance issues, please make a post in this thread detailing the problem. Try to include as much information as you can. Some things that would be helpful to know:

As a last note, if you are reading this and are not having performance issues, it would still be very helpful for you to make a post with as much of the above information as is applicable to you. Every study needs its controls.

oneworldflyer commented 3 years ago

System: i7-9700KF, RTX 2080Super and 32GB RAM, Windows 10

Gazzareth commented 3 years ago

I had it this morning, down from 75fps to 4. It occurred after I switched from Showcase (at ground level/Paris) to aircraft & back. Originally I figured it was nothing to do with v0.6. Saved flight, exited the sim, started up again and loaded flight to same issue. Exited, swapped out to v0.51, reloaded and it was fine.

Not limited by CPU/GPU/Memory..

10700k, 64gb, 3070.

Darkfly, CJ4, TBM mods installed...

bvibber commented 3 years ago

Had major fps loss & memory leak twice with the 0.6.0 installed, no problem after removing it. Haven't yet narrowed down with other mods.

System: Ryzen 3700X, 32 GiB RAM, RTX 2070 Super (8 GiB VRAM) RAM usage for MSFS is usually under 15 GiB, showed much higher; total RAM commit for system was over 40-50 GiB though there didn't seem to be much in swap. Looked like several gigs of compressed RAM, which may indicate the leaks are empty memory or something that compresses well?

Didn't think to check VRAM or developer mode yet.

Steps to reproduce: fly TBM 930 with Kenmore skin from KSFO to KSNA, or KSNA to KSFO. Somewhere halfway through in middle of California the frate rate and CPU usage and GPU usage all drop, and memory goes up and keeps going up.

Other mods:

Also using for input management which talks over SimConnect.

Chuxtr76 commented 3 years ago

Core i9 9900k, 42 GB of RAM, RTX 3060

Installed 6.0. Attempted to fly the longitude to Ft. Worth from Miami. It made it until about New Orleans before frame rates dropped to smack on 10 fps. Dev Mode says its limited by CoherentGTDraw. MainThread is struggling, but seems to be being bogged down by Coherent GTDraw. CPU running about 10%, RTX is running about 20% and no heating. Quit out of that, loaded up the TBM at John Wayne. Sitting on the ramp everything is good, as soon as I take off, Frame rate drops to 10 FPS. Same "Limited by CoherentGTDraw". CPU usage is about 14%, GPU usage is about 30%. Uninstalled 6.0 and reinstalled 5.1. Loaded up the TBM... flew around Los Angeles for about an hour, no issues. Other Mods: WT Cj4 (Latest Version) Navigraph Navdata Dakfly Longitude Performance Mod

Edit: Some of the info you requested. Nvidia Driver: 466.11 Conditions triggering performance: Other than take off in the TBM, none that I'm aware of. The longitude it just started happing out of nowhere. ram limited - Negative. Task manager still showing 40% free system memory, and only 8 gb used of the 12 GB on the video card. Cold & Dark Cold_Dark 5 minutes after take-off 5_min_after_takeoff

Task Manger of CPU & Memory during the issue: image

Task Manager of GPU during the issue: image

fourdragons commented 3 years ago

Core i9 9900k, 32 GB of RAM, RTX 2080 TI, only other mod is Navigraph Navdata.

Wow, yup! Four flights in the TBM with no issues on v6.0.0. Fifth flight? O M G! LOL Like others above said, FPS just started dropping, GPU usage went from 95-98% down to 32-35%, CPU usage down from 18-25% to 9-12% as well, RAM usage just kept creeping up. Had to just shut down the flight half way through. Even then, it refused to close-out. Had to terminate process. RAM usage immediately went from 76% down to 15% after terminating MSFS.

Crunchmeister1 commented 3 years ago

Seeing the same performance issue. It's CoherentGT draw limitation on my end. I've never seen that being my bottleneck prior to today. Didn't even know it could be a limitation. I've only ever seen GPU and main thread limitiations in the past.

If I use the stock G3000 or WT v0.5x, I'm seeing frame rates in the low 30s, which is normal for the airport I tested from. With 0.6, I'm down to 10 fps. Performance while on the ground seems ok, although in the low/mid 20s vs what I get without the mod. Once I start my takeoff roll, frame rate starts to drop. Once the wheels leave the pavement, frame rate face plants to 10 fps and never goes beyond.

With or without road data installed, it seems to do the same. I even tried removing all other mods except Navigraph and no difference.



Community Mods:

(results are the same with community folder empty except for G3000 0.6 and Navigraph data)

Marketplace Mods (I didn't try removing these when testing)

Dev Mode counter screen shot: image

MartinoQ commented 3 years ago

10 fps at EHRD, only with G3000 WT mod (NVidia 2080 Ti lates drivers) 64 Gb RAM, 18 Intel CPU threads, normally 25 fps

Screenshot 2021-04-26 204248
DecMoonFR commented 3 years ago

Hi, here my comment Do you have any other mods installed/does the presence of other mods affect performance?

Fly with Asobo Cessna Citation Longitude Flight Dynamics Modifications Project Version 1.83a g3000 v0.6.0 All world update packages IVAO MTL Test on flight UHWW to ZSSS online with IVAO

Hardware : Stream Deck, 3 Saitek FIP and 1 radio ( with FSUIPC), quandrant and stick managed with FSUIPC

What conditions trigger the poor performance? Try to be as specific as possible.

I play with traffic before take off and try to sync my navigraph account without success during climb.

After 45 minutes, during descent. 1 image / 2 secondes CPU 2% (i7 6700k) GPU 3% (GTX 1070) Memory 100% (16Go, 12Go for MSFS)

Does performance improve if you uninstall the mod? Roll back to v0.5.1?

Yes, with v0.5.1 the same flight, same conditions and no lag CPU =~ 66% GPU =~ 20% (cockpit) =~ 78% (external view) Memory =~ 60%

Seem to have a memory leak.

Lysdestic commented 3 years ago

Performed my usual benchmarking flight of KPDX/21 COUGA KRIEG HAWKZ7.KRIEG KSEA/I34L.SONDR using the latest version of Mugz TBM Improvement mod. While I feel like I can see a small performance hit, it's not much. 25 - 35 fps compared to 30 - 40 that I am used to. I was going to post this report as a 'control' as requested above, but I do feel as though I'm seeing more red lines in the FPS monitor and a higher CoherentGTDraw than usual (sometimes bouncing as high as 12-20ms vs maybe 4 - 10ms previously). I am currently limited by MainThread which is normal for me.

Specs are Ryzen 7 3800x (slight OC to 4.2ghz), nVidia GeForce 2600 SUPER 8GB (driver 465.89), 64GB of 3600mhz RAM.

Other notable mods installed, should all be at their latest versions: navigraph-navdata workingtitle-gx workingtitle-g1000-0.3.5pre workingtitle-aircraft-cj4 aircraft-longitudeFDEfix (Dakfly) Various liveries and small rural airports -- can provide a full list upon request.

Notable marketplace mods: Flightbeam KPDX

Total memory usage in taskmgr peaked at approximately 28GB or so with about 16 of that going to flightsimulator.exe which is on par with what I've come to expect. This flight, as with all my flights, was performed with SimToolkitPro running in the background. Live Weather, multiplayer traffic, AI traffic, Bing Data, and Photogrammetry all enabled. VFR Map (with WT modifications enabled), ATC panel, and Checklist panel all popped out to a second monitor. I do not use the workingtitle-roaddata package at this time. Radar was enabled on the MFD and I did successfully utilize the new charts functionality. (Thanks for adding that!)

I'd call this somewhere between maybe control and maybe affected, but I did not encounter any sudden drops or stutters during the course of this flight. Other than the slight 5-10 fps drop and more red lines in the fps monitor, everything went about as smoothly as I've come to expect. Will try a longer flight from KPDX to KSFO when time allows to see if I get anything more conclusive there.


MartinoQ commented 3 years ago

10 fps at EHRD, only with G3000 WT mod (NVidia 2080 Ti lates drivers) 64 Gb RAM, 18 Intel CPU threads, normally 25 fps

Screenshot 2021-04-26 204248

As soon when I revert back to v0.5.1 performance is back, and yes, the same issue with 1.83 Longitude

CasualClick commented 3 years ago

Ryzen 5 2600 16GB RAM RX580 8GB AMD Radeon 21.3.2

Average usage during flight - VRAM 50 percent, CPU 30 percent, System RAM 4GB utilized by Sim, 11 GB overall consumed

Mods that might impact: WT G1000 0.3.5, G3X Dev 6, Henrik's Global Ship AI, Dakfly Longitude Perf Mod, Mugz TBM Perf Mod

Flew a saved FLT PLN KQOU to KEWR - IFR 6000 ENR. Weather was a saved Preset so it was consistent.

With 6.0 I see a decrease of 10-15 fps average for each segment of the flight.

With 5.1 I am running around 31 fps average.

I'll retest by removing Dev 6 and update in a future post.


Rightnt commented 3 years ago

I had major performance issues with version 6.0 on my system. I believe I found what was causing the issue at least for me.

My system is AMD Ryzen 3700x, RX 5700XT, 16 gigs of ram. Game is installed on an SSD.

I took out all mods except the G3000, DarkFly's Longitude mod, and the NaviGraph nav data. This is what I was getting. FlightOnlyG3000NavigraphDataLongitudeFix

I then just removed NaviGraph data and have made it to my planned destination with no issues. Flew KPHL to KATL. I'm going to slowly add my mods back as the issue occurred around the same point in the flight.

t-bo commented 3 years ago

Small contribution here but we can clearly see the FPS dropping in the video below:

On the ground. From 20 to 10 fps when I switch betwwen the map view and back to 20 fps on other views.

Intel i9, RTX 2080, 32GB RAM.

stovie319 commented 3 years ago

I had exactly the same. Running i9 with 32GB RAM and 2080 Super card and after about an hour my FR dropped from 35 to about 2. Deleted lots of scenery files but no joy. Deleted 6.0 and rolled back to 5.1 and all is good again. No screenshots unfortunately but 6.0 definitely the culprit I'm afraid

stovie319 commented 3 years ago

To add to my last I updated my Navigraph database yesterday as well so as Rightnt stated it could well be an issue between the two

cywang90 commented 3 years ago

A quick update: I have found an error in the code that parses airport approach data which was only apparent when using navigraph FMS data. I believe this error was responsible for at least those instances of performance degradation that led to very low framerates (<10 fps) and high CoherentGT draw times >100ms. The error has already been fixed in internal builds and will be included in the next hotfix release (no ETA yet).

I cannot guarantee that this fix will resolve everyone's performance issues, so if you are suffering from poor performance, especially if you are not using navigraph data, please still provide information if you can.

richard1000xx commented 3 years ago

Hi 3 flights no problem. 4th into KLAS all most stopped! Every last byte of 32GBtye in use (task manager) which I have never seen before! Not even close! Richard

toni250 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem as 't-bo'. The Navigraph Navdata makes me lower the fps with the g3000 v.06., Which is about 10-11 fps, when I have the map view ... So it is unplayable.

Without Navigraph Navdata the fps are better.

My PC is an i7-4790K, 32 GB RAM and Geforce RTX2060 Super.

Thanks, see if it can be solved.

richard1000xx commented 3 years ago

Hi again Just done exactly same flight into KLAS under exactly same conditions (as much as is possible, eg restarted computer) BUT using .51. No problems. Memory use was as expected, with about 14 GBytes used by msfs and a total of about 18 in use after landing at Las Vegas Richard

richard1000xx commented 3 years ago

Sorry, should have said this is with longitude Richard

Dons32 commented 3 years ago

I'm flying TBM and not using Navigraph, but performance is still very bad. Area I fly in usually yields 44 fps. This is now in teens. When i re-install 5.1.. back to normal

System Information

  Time of this report: 4/15/2021, 01:28:20
         Machine name: DESKTOP-35A8BLJ
           Machine Id: {D0E224A8-5385-4826-929B-CC6F635237F9}
     Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 19041) (19041.vb_release.191206-1406)
             Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
  System Manufacturer: Alienware
         System Model: Alienware Aurora R8
                 BIOS: 1.0.7 (type: UEFI)
            Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
               Memory: 32768MB RAM
  Available OS Memory: 32592MB RAM
            Page File: 9768MB used, 27687MB available
          Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
      DirectX Version: DirectX 12
  DX Setup Parameters: Not found
     User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
   System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
      DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
             Miracast: Available, with HDCP

Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported DirectX Database Version: 1.0.8 DxDiag Version: 10.00.19041.0546 64bit Unicode

Display Devices

       Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
       Chip type: GeForce GTX 1080
        DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
     Device Type: Full Device (POST)
      Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1B80&SUBSYS_33661028&REV_A1

Device Problem Code: No Problem Driver Problem Code: Unknown Display Memory: 24375 MB Dedicated Memory: 8079 MB Shared Memory: 16296 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)

ryanbatc commented 3 years ago

Using the TBM930, performance typically degrades in a somewhat linear fashion on my machine. Started with approx 30 fps and down to 10 by the time I landed. Routing tonight was KSNA SLI HERMO LAX VNY CMA KCMA

MSFS Premium / 4790K OCed to 4.4GHz / GTX 1080 Ti / 32GB RAM Win 10 Pro 20H2

I do have numerous community addons...but I've flown with just the G3000 mod and a TBM repaint on the same route with similar live weather (lots of clouds etc) and the drop still happens about at landing. I'm using the sideways GTN (sorry not sure of the name) to manipulate the flight plan, actively using NAV/COMM screens and xpndr. Those are the only buttons I use. (This brings up a point that I still am using the TBM mod for the aircraft flight dynamics and the comm screens mod - couldn't recall if that was integrated or not into this mod).

I have not tried without the mod yet but the moment I switched to the default 152 my fps climbed way back up. (Maybe not the best test as the 152 has no glass cockpit).

coherentGTDraw coherentGTDraw2

EdSaj commented 3 years ago

So I may be an outlier, but I've had much better performance with 0.6. With the last version, I was constantly down in the teens or lower for FPS. I run an i7-10700k with slight OC to 4.9Ghz, 64GB at 3400, and a 3090 FE. Settings are Ultra at 1440p with render scaling at 110%.

Tonight, I did a just over 1 hour flight BWI to CHS. Had VATSIM, OnAir, Volanta, and Navigraph all running. Was getting >60fps first half of flight on clear night. Once clouds came for second half, dropped into 30s-40s. Didn't fall below mid 30s for entire flight.

Other changes made that may have helped: 1) I removed the road data (was getting the very delayed shutdown) 2) On the map settings, I turned off Airways and Cities, and only show Airports, VORs, and Intersections.

cywang90 commented 3 years ago

v0.6.1 has been released, which addresses the navigraph FMS data bug.

Those of you who still experience significantly degraded performance with v0.6.1 relative to v0.5.1, feel free to continue making reports in this thread.

MartinoQ commented 3 years ago

Thx keep up the amazing work! Hower still same issue.

On 28 Apr 2021, at 18:22, Charles Wang @.***> wrote:

v0.6.1 has been released, which addresses the navigraph FMS data bug.

Those of you who still experience significantly degraded performance with v0.6.1 relative to v0.5.1, feel free to continue making reports in this thread.

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Gazzareth commented 3 years ago

It's still the same for me with v6.1, above the clouds over the Irish Sea and it's flickering between 10-20 fps limited by CoherentGTDraw - normally I'd expect 50-70 in this situation !!..... Ended up at 7fps then I aborted...

Just checked with 5.1 - solid 70 fps at same point.

guit32 commented 3 years ago

Hello I have performance problem with 6.0 and 6.1 i9 9900 K GTX1080 pilot461.92 32G RAM (61% used) Community folder is the same each time : the mod does nothing At LFPG just before take off (sim just start), engine running v6.0 or v6.1 =>20 fps V5.0 55 => 55 fps

toni250 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have version 0.6.1 of the g3000 and with the tbm the real traffic does not work. The actual traffic screen shows nothing. Also in LFPG the fps are very low, around 7-8 fps.

mods: The Navigraph Navdata. My PC is an i7-4790K, 32 GB RAM and Geforce RTX2060 Super.

Thanks for your work.

t-bo commented 3 years ago

FPS issue is gone with 0.6.1. However PFD is frozen on TBM930. I never got any speed, direction, wind nor altitude data on takeoff and during all flight.

aprodigyy commented 3 years ago

but the game does what it does anyways, so i'm not too sure about if it's because of this mod. rolling back to v0.5.1 now and trying the same route.

cywang90 commented 3 years ago

Update: another bug has been fixed internally which resolves poor performance some were reporting in certain regions (the problem areas specifically identified and tested were limited to parts of Europe, though the bug may well have impacted more areas that were not identified - the world is a big place and it's impossible to test all of it). The fix is slated to be included in the next hotfix release, which is currently in QA.

UberGeekDude commented 3 years ago

I am experiencing a memory leak. I have removed all Community content, except v0.6.1, flying Longitude after several flights.

Flightsimulator.exe up top 45GB, ~9 FPM, South of Telluride, CO.


SoulMaril commented 3 years ago

I do experience FPS drops after take off.

Parameters: System Win10 fully updated. i7-6700K, 32GB RAM, nvidia 1080ti, sim installed on a nwme 2 disk. Aircraft TBM930 IVAO online flight. Live Weather. Graphic settings medium to high with 2K resolution (Ultrawide monitor) Using WT G3000 0.6.1. G1000 latest also installed. No road data. Online data active. Cache On 32GB CPU Load normal. Memory Normal. Temparatures Normal. Latest Nvidia drivers.

Symptoms: 45 fps at cold and dark. After take off fps gradually drops to 20-15 fps. When on ground again fps goes back to normal. 30fps stationary on ground and 45 fps cold and dark. This does not happen everytime but it happens quite often for my latest flights. Latest flight route PAAK-PASY Changing graphics setting do not have any effects plus or minus.

DanP77 commented 3 years ago

It sounds like an issue that I have reported to the FS Forum.

The screen was done during a short flight in A320 FBW. But I had yesterday the same issue with Longitude and G3000 7.1 in a longer flight with fps drop till 3fps.

May be the same? Any idea?

DanP77 commented 3 years ago

I confirm that for the moment in my environment seems that "roaddata" have an important impact on the performance as documented in the link above

Typical behavior is low FPS and low GPU and CPU utilization.