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spec -> lacinia schema
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Find a way to add descriptions to queries and mutations #11

Open acron0 opened 5 years ago

acron0 commented 5 years ago

For documentation purposes, it would be nice if there was a way to add descriptions to queries and mutations so that they appear in GraphQL introspection.

For example, this could be achieved by including a description in the attach-query/attach-mutation function call. A preferable way would either be with docstring or metadata on the handler.

devurandom commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to access the docstrings of resolver functions for this? Fields could get their description from the s/def docstring:

acron0 commented 5 years ago

That would definitely be ideal...if specs had docstrings :/ Right now I think we'll have to make do with expanding the attach fns so they can optionally accept a description.

devurandom commented 5 years ago

Alex said that docstrings are still on the list of things to be included in spec.alpha2. I personally would just wait for that, instead of adding a bandaid that then has to be maintained indefinitely.

Wryhder commented 5 years ago

Right now I think we'll have to make do with expanding the attach fns so they can optionally accept a description.

@acron0 I would like to work on this, if no one else already is.

acron0 commented 5 years ago

@Wryhder Yep, please do 👍

kevinmungai commented 5 years ago

Hi, I hope I have understood what the issue is but what if the "docstrings" were pulled from the resolvers for example:

(defmacro doc-string
  `(:doc (meta (var ~symbol))))

Then this would be called by a function

(defn attach-doc-string
  (let [doc (doc-string function)]
    (if doc
     "please add a description")))

I am not sure where to put this description yet, I went ahead and naively attached it to the :result-spec. Some guidance would assist me on where to put it.

(defn attach-query
  "Adds a query resolver into the provided pre-compiled data structure"
  #_([m resolver]
     ;; TODO infer specs from fdef
  ([m query-spec results-spec resolver]
   {:pre [(s/valid? ::pre-compiled-data m)]}
   (-> m
       (update :specs   conj results-spec)
       (update :queries assoc results-spec {:resolver resolver
                                            :query-spec query-spec
                                            :description (util/attach-doc-string resolver)}))))

This strategy may help when the specs are later inferred.

acron0 commented 5 years ago

@kevinmungai Yes, this is basically 50% of the solution! The description then needs to be pushed into the schema as a kind of post-generation step.

kevinmungai commented 5 years ago

@acron0 Thanksl for the feedback. It will take me sometime before I get a working solution.

kevinmungai commented 5 years ago

Hi @acron0, I am having a bit of an issue. I have tried to generate a simple schema from the example on the README but I just can't.

the expected

a lacinia schema should be generated using this

(spec/def ::query-spec map?)
(spec/def ::response map?)

(-> (leona/create)
                  (leona/attach-query ::query-spec ::response (fn [context query value]))

what am experiencing

Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at leona.schema/transform (schema.clj:110). Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Keyword

what I have tried

I have tried to run the tests of leona but I get Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at leona.schema/transform (schema.clj:110). Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Keyword

To be honest this is my first time trying to contribute to open source, I think I might be the issue but after 2 days of trying I have decided to ask for help. Thank you for your time.

workshub[bot] commented 5 years ago

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workshub[bot] commented 5 years ago

@umitduran started working on this issue via WorksHub.

acron0 commented 5 years ago

@kevinmungai Don't worry :) Leona is still young, and there is still some holes in the documentation so that could be the problem here. What version of Leona are you using? And you say running the tests gives you a IllegalArgumentException?

workshub[bot] commented 5 years ago

@tolgraven started working on this issue via WorksHub.

workshub[bot] commented 5 years ago

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workshub[bot] commented 5 years ago

@chandanlal92 started working on this issue via WorksHub.

workshub[bot] commented 4 years ago

@ynohtna82nosredna started working on this issue via WorksHub.

workshub[bot] commented 4 years ago

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workshub[bot] commented 4 years ago

@wizzytod started working on this issue via WorksHub.

wizzytod commented 4 years ago

Hi, @acron0 !

May I suggest using spec-tools to add a description for attach-query's query-spec? E.g.

(s/def ::droid-query (st/spec {:spec (s/keys :req-un [::id]
                                             :opt [::appears-in])
                               :description "Query for droid"}))

(-> (leona/create)
    (leona/attach-query ::droid-query ::droid droid-resolver)
acron0 commented 4 years ago

@wizzytod Yes, I would accept PR that connects the dots to make this work

workshub[bot] commented 3 years ago

A user started working on this issue via WorksHub.

workshub[bot] commented 3 years ago

@ansari691 started working on this issue via WorksHub.

workshub[bot] commented 1 year ago

@benjamin-asdf started working on this issue via WorksHub.

benjamin-asdf commented 1 year ago

1) Adding descriptions to objects via metadata on resolver would make sense to me 2) how to do descriptions for fields and args?

;; :leona/description metadata on a resolver or mutation
;; -> add description to the object
(let [job-resolver (fn [c q v])
      (with-meta job-resolver {:leona/description "foo"})
      compiled-schema (-> (leona/create)
                          (leona/attach-query ::job-input :wh/job job-resolver-with-meta)
  (-> compiled-schema
      :generated :objects :Job :description))

;; Fields and args can also have descriptions, for completeness we would want a way to provide those?
;; not sure if metada conceptually makes sense, but we could add a :descriptions key to compile opts?

 {:descriptions {:wh/job "a job"
        {:fields "company name"
                                   :args "company name arg"}
                 :wh.job/id {:fields "the id of a job"
                             :args "the id of a job"}}})

Update, thoughts:

Instead of args to compile it probably makes more sense that it is another attach- function. Also for 1) we probably want that on the level of generating, not compiling.