WorksOnArm / GitHub-Runners

Arm-based GitHub hosted runners are seamlessly integrated into GitHub actions for software developers to natively build their applications on Arm Neoverse based platforms. It is preloaded with a cloud developer image that contains a set of foundational set of development tools to build upon.
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Credits for Arm-based GitHub Runners #1

Open alanfranz opened 5 months ago

alanfranz commented 5 months ago

If you are interested in requesting credits for Github Arm Runners, please fill out the details below.

Proposals will be evaluated on a biweekly basis and responses will be done via email

Name, email, company, job title

Alan Franzoni,, Aiven Oy, Engineering Manager

Project Title and description

fpm-within-docker - Packaging tool.

Describe your use case for these machines

Would be great to be able to use ARM builders to make image building actually fast.

Which members of the community would benefit from your work? x86 version has quite a lot of downloads.

Is the code that you’re going to run 100% open source?


Please outline your credits requirements at a high level to support Arm builds (purpose, duration, amount, other)

I probably need to run 10-20 builds per month, not so much

Does the project allows the use of your project logo on ARM's developer website freely?


Important reminders and logistics

Approved projects will be encouraged to provide credit back to Works on Arm in the form of a logo display, blog post, Twitter post, news release, or some other suitable acknowledgement.

Approved projects are subject to a 90 day review process for termination.

In case a project goes through ownership change or key people leaving, please promptly inform the team by adding comments on this issue. Our team will maintain dialogue with new members.

For more project information, see the following social channels: