Workshape / icon-font-generator

Easy-to-use, pre-configured cli tool to generate webfont icon kits from a bunch of .svg files
MIT License
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Empty JSON output #47

Open yairEO opened 5 years ago

yairEO commented 5 years ago


"icon-font-generator": "^2.1.8"

package.json script:

icon-font-generator ./src/icons/*.svg -o public/fonts -f /fonts --csspath ./src/styles/scss/autogenerated/_iconfont.scss --types ttf --html false --jsonpath ./src/styles/icons.json --csstp ./src/styles/scss/autogenerated/scss.hbs


Generating font kit from 4 SVG icons
Generated C:\xampp\htdocs\spikli-admin\public\fonts\icons.ttf
Generated C:\xampp\htdocs\spikli-admin\public\fonts\src\styles\scss\autogenerated\_iconfont.scss
Generated C:\xampp\htdocs\spikli-admin\public\fonts\src\styles\icons.json

The generated SCSS is fine, with the correct icons, but the JSON file is generated with empty brackets:


Happen to know why..?

yairEO commented 5 years ago

Ok this is a bug that can be easily fixed,

when passing both csstp with custom template, the generateJson will try to use CSS_PARSE_REGEX to parse the file, but it shouldn't try it on a custom file but generate the normal CSS file and parse it instead (only for JSON-generating purposes)

Another, less robust fix, is to try to make the regex more flexible

yairEO commented 5 years ago

This is the output of my custom SCSS template which the hsb file outputs:

@font-face {
    font-family: "icons";
    src: url("/fonts/icons.ttf?8746ee39f2964b86c52641d9d0a61b61") format("truetype");

@if not variable-exists('webfont-icons') {
    $webfont-icons: () !global;

$webfont-icons: map-merge($webfont-icons, (
    'checkmark': ('icons' '\f101'),
    'search': ('icons' '\f102'),
    'sort-asc': ('icons' '\f103'),
    'sort-desc': ('icons' '\f104'),

@mixin styles{
    font-family: "icons";
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    font-style: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    // speak: none; // only necessary if not using the private unicode range (firstGlyph option)
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: none;
    display: inline-block;

@mixin icon($name) {
    @include styles;

    $icon: map-get($webfont-icons, $name);
    &:before {
        font-family: nth($icon, 1) !important;
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: normal !important;
        vertical-align: top;
        content: nth($icon, 2);
miguelsolorio commented 5 years ago

Did you happen to figure out a workaround? Can't tell from your comments whether you found one or not.

yairEO commented 5 years ago

@misolori - No, I gave up and simply imported the SVG files directly to my React JSX files, hoping Webpack will put them inline while bundling (didn't)

Technically you can set up 2 NPM scripts and have each run its own thing - SCSS / JSON

tancredi commented 5 years ago

Hi @yairEO - the current approach of parsing the output CSS using regex is clearly not very good, so since I couldn't find a neat solution for you in this case (and for the general purpose of improving the tool) I've submitted a PR to webfonts-generator which would allow me to access the codepoints directly without doing any parsing at all.

Sorry for the slow responses on the issues (I do realise you probably ended up using a completely different approach) but I do struggle with time and have no other maintainers.

gearsandcode commented 5 years ago

@tancredi - Looks like webfonts-generator is archived, so I doubt that your PR (or the 10 others) will be accepted. Would you consider publishing a clone of it with your PR applied?