World-of-Workflows / WoWf_ProjectManagement

Project Management solution for World of Workflows
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Task Prioritization and Labeling #18

Open jimcantor opened 6 months ago

jimcantor commented 6 months ago

Concept: Enable users to prioritize tasks and label them for better organization.

Implementation: Add features for setting priorities and custom labels on tasks. Use drag-and-drop libraries to allow easy prioritization.

jimcantor commented 6 months ago

Implementing task prioritization and labeling in your project management application is an excellent way to enhance user experience and organization. We'll outline the steps to add this feature using frontend JavaScript, focusing on creating a user-friendly interface for setting task priorities and labels.

Implementing Task Prioritization and Labeling

Step 1: Update Task Model

First, ensure that your task data model can accommodate priorities and labels. Each task should have fields for priority (like high, medium, low) and labels (array of strings or predefined categories).

Step 2: UI for Setting Priorities and Labels

  1. Priority Selector:

    • Add a dropdown or a set of buttons to each task entry for setting its priority.
    • Consider using icons or color-coding to represent different priority levels.
  2. Label Assignment:

    • Provide an input field or a set of checkboxes for assigning labels to tasks.
    • Allow users to create new labels or select from existing ones.

Example HTML for Task Entry

<div class="task">
    <input type="text" class="task-title" placeholder="Task Title">
    <select class="task-priority">
        <option value="high">High</option>
        <option value="medium">Medium</option>
        <option value="low">Low</option>
    <input type="text" class="task-labels" placeholder="Add labels">
    <!-- Additional task details -->

Step 3: JavaScript for Handling Priorities and Labels

  1. Event Listeners:

    • Add event listeners to priority and label inputs to handle changes.
    • On change, update the task object and possibly synchronize with your backend or local storage.
  2. Update Task Display:

    • When displaying tasks, use the priority and labels to style or organize them.
    • For example, high-priority tasks could be displayed at the top or in a different color.

Example JavaScript for Handling Task Updates

document.querySelectorAll('.task').forEach(task => {
    task.querySelector('.task-priority').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
        const priority =;
        // Update task priority logic

    task.querySelector('.task-labels').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
        const labels =','); // Assuming labels are comma-separated
        // Update task labels logic

Step 4: Drag-and-Drop for Prioritization

Consider implementing a drag-and-drop interface for rearranging tasks based on priority. Libraries like SortableJS can simplify this implementation.

Step 5: Testing and Refinement

By implementing this feature, users can easily organize tasks based on their importance and categorization, leading to better project management and productivity.