WorldBrain / Memex

Browser extension to curate, annotate, and discuss the most valuable content and ideas on the web. As individuals, teams and communities.
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MTNI-98 ⁃ [BRAINSTORM] New Name for WebMemex #65

Closed blackforestboi closed 6 years ago

blackforestboi commented 7 years ago

Hey team.

We need to find a new name for the WebMemex before we release it. It was a temporary name, as long as there was still a lot of overlap with Gerben's direction, and before we release the new version.

Any ideas are welcome to be listed here. Whoever is in, I would invite you to have a video chat for this brainstorming session.

blackforestboi commented 7 years ago

Ideas for associations:

JessicaML commented 7 years ago


Holster Truely (Truelee?) SearchDraw HistoryWallet PastPouch

poltak commented 7 years ago

Have you considered just "WorldBrain"? Or if the focus of "WorldBrain" as an organisation/project is intended to be bigger than just the extension in the larger scope of things, still keeping with the idea of "brain" but more focusing on the web (different possible variations in parenthesis):

blackforestboi commented 7 years ago
raj-maurya commented 7 years ago


More to come...

blackforestboi commented 7 years ago

I just read the book decisive and there is the following paragraph worth reading for finding a good name for the mini-worldbrain:

"In Sausalito, California, there is a small firm called Lexicon that has coined the names for 15 billion-dollar brands, including BlackBerry, Dasani, Febreze, OnStar, Pentium, Scion, and Swiffer. These names don’t emerge from brainstorming sessions that yield sudden lightning-bolt insights—nobody gets struck by lightning 15 times. Rather, Lexicon’s magic is its creative process, which helps the team avoid getting stuck in a narrow frame. Consider the firm’s 2006 work for Colgate, which was preparing to launch a disposable mini-toothbrush. The center of the brush held a dab of special toothpaste, which was designed to make rinsing unnecessary. So you could carry the toothbrush with you, use it in a cab or an airplane lavatory, and then toss it out. When Lexicon founder and CEO David Placek first saw the toothbrush, he said, what stood out was its small size. So, if you were on the Lexicon team, with your mental spotlight pointed at the tiny toothbrush, you’d be tempted to start tossing out names that highlight its small size: Petite Brush, Mini-Brush, Brushlet, etc. Notice that, in brainstorming that way, you would have already locked yourself into a tight frame with two assumptions: (1) The name should connote smallness; and (2) “Brush” should be part of the name. That early lock-in is something that the Lexicon team has learned to fight. Clients will often come to them with a narrow conception of what a good name is. Some at Intel, for instance, had wanted to call the Pentium “ProChip.” Some at P&G had wanted to call the Swiffer “EZMop.” Lexicon has learned that the best names emerge from what we’ll call “multitracking”—considering several options simultaneously. To get familiar with the new toothbrush, Placek’s team at Lexicon began to use it in their daily lives, and what struck them was how odd it was, at first, not to spit out the toothpaste that it produced. (We always spit out the toothpaste.) Fortunately, unlike normal brushes, the new brush didn’t create a big mass of minty lather. The mouthfeel was lighter and more pleasant, more like a breath strip. It was this lack of foaminess that was the brush’s most distinctive trait. So it dawned on the team that the name of the brush should not signal smallness; it should signal lightness, cleanliness, softness. Armed with that insight, Placek began to multitrack. He asked his network of linguists—70 of them in 50 countries—to brainstorm about metaphors, sounds, and word parts that connoted lightness. By working independently, they vastly increased the pool of considered names.” “The team of linguists produced a long list of possible words and phrases, and one word on the list jumped out at Placek’s team: “wisp.” It was the perfect association for the new brushing experience. It’s not something heavy and foamy; it’s barely there. It’s a wisp. Thus was born the Colgate Wisp.”

bnvk commented 7 years ago

Lexicon's work is amazing. For those who don't know me, I've been having some chats with @oliversauter here in Berlin. Anywho, throwing some ideas into the converation as naming is fun 😄

Current - as in electrical or river current- brains have the former and WorldBrain could be seen as a flow of independent nodes backfeeding "current" into a global information ocean... icon could be a variation of WB logo with an electrical bolt on it.

Trove - a collection of treasure or value that is stored away but still accessible.

Cavern - an alternate, less evocative / more abstract, play on trove. Treasures and troves are often stored in caves or caverns

Flashlight - small, portable, and shines light on dark areas... like a cavern of collected data

Squirrel - little critters who store away chunks of food for later. Deviates a bit from WB metaphor, but has some good metaphors for hiding away and breaking your data down into smaller nuts.

Second Brain - most direct metaphor playing with above mentioned possibilities.

Listed in my order of my favorite at top

bohrium272 commented 7 years ago

Suggestions in decreasing order of the "coolness" of the name

blackforestboi commented 7 years ago

Some other input from the crowd at Facebook:

swissums commented 7 years ago
blackforestboi commented 7 years ago
blackforestboi commented 7 years ago
blackforestboi commented 7 years ago


bnvk commented 7 years ago

These names are all over the place. It's helpful to keep it scoped to what the product actually is or does, unless of course you're happy with "meh, it just sounds cool" :)

blackforestboi commented 7 years ago

Yes, true. Thought about the same recently. Plan to bring them together soon, as we approach the launch of the new version.

blackforestboi commented 6 years ago

Another idea: "Vis" or "Visc" I like to describe the feeling of using tool as "intuitive" to how our mind works. A synonym to that is "Visceral" "Visc" is the first person singular of "to live/to be alive" in Catalan language. The technical vision of WorldBrain includes to give people ownership about their digital lives, hence "Visc" or shorter "Vis" therefore could be a nice name for the personal search engine.

blackforestboi commented 6 years ago

Nexus - "a connection or series of connections linking two or more things." Cluster

adarshsrivastava11 commented 6 years ago

Webrebro = Web + Cerebro

blackforestboi commented 6 years ago

After a 43% vote by the people to go for 'Memex' as the name. I picked this one for now.

It is suspect to change, as we soon work together with a branding agency to redo our website, branding and vision video.

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