WorldCereal / classification-docker

Docker image creation for classification
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Global cropmap production V2 - maxgap threshold failed SAR data #81

Open romain-bdc opened 1 year ago

romain-bdc commented 1 year ago

For example with the following command for tile 17MMR_042 : ewoc_classif 17MMR c728b264-5c97-4f4c-81fe-1500d4c4dfbd_20090_20221027083824 --end-season-year 2021 --cropland-model-version v700 --croptype-model-version v720 --irr-model-version v420 --block-ids 42 43 53 54 63 64 72 73 74 83 84 94 95 105 106 110 116 --ewoc-detector cropland --upload-block False > ~/data/17MMR/error.txt We have the following error (and we obtain the same for the others blocks written in the command) :

2022-12-12 10:35:03.664 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.utils.aez:get_matching_aez_id:92 - Matched AEZ: zoneID = 20090 | groupID = 20000
[2022-12-12 10:35:03] WARNING:fiona._env:File /vsimem/68da48bd7c4941e490ffcfea2513dad2 has GPKG application_id, but non conformant file extension
2022-12-12 10:35:06.948 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.utils:get_matching_realm_id:290 - Matched REALM: 6
2022-12-12 10:35:07.077 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.seasons:_get_cropland_processing_dates:237 - Derived start_date: 2020-10-04
2022-12-12 10:35:07.077 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.seasons:_get_cropland_processing_dates:238 - Derived end_date: 2021-10-04
2022-12-12 10:35:07.079 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_get_block_size:62 - Found `EWOC_BLOCKSIZE` environment variable: 1024
2022-12-12 10:35:07.137 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:run_tile:445 - Getting processing tuples ...
2022-12-12 10:35:07.138 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:run_tile:476 - Running in serial ...
2022-12-12 10:35:07.142 | INFO     | 140137903990592:satio.utils.logs:wrapper_exitlog:73 - Starting processing of 17MMR_042.
2022-12-12 10:35:07.142 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:239 - --------------------------------------------------
2022-12-12 10:35:07.143 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:240 - Starting processing block: 17MMR_042
2022-12-12 10:35:07.143 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:241 - --------------------------------------------------
2022-12-12 10:35:07.143 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:242 - PARAMETERS:
2022-12-12 10:35:07.143 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:244 - year: 2021
2022-12-12 10:35:07.143 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:244 - season: annual
2022-12-12 10:35:07.143 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:_run_block:244 - featuresettings: {'settings': {'OPTICAL': {'bands':


2022-12-12 10:35:21.986 | DEBUG    | 140135746234112:satio.geoloader:_load_array_bounds:464 - End loading: s3://ewoc-ard/c728b264-5c97-4f4c-81fe-1500d4c4dfbd_20090_20221027083824/OPTICAL/17/M/MR/2021/20210623/S2B_MSIL2A_20210623T155219_N0300R111T17MMR_17MMR/S2B_L2A_20210623T155219_N0300R111T17MMR_17MMR_MASK.tif
2022-12-12 10:35:22.057 | INFO     | 140137903990592:worldcereal.utils.masking:select_valid_obs:251 - Got less than 75 within-swath items in collection: skipping no-data filtering.
2022-12-12 10:35:22.068 | INFO     | - --------------------------------------------------
2022-12-12 10:35:22.068 | INFO     | - SAR first image: 2021-01-01 23:44:03
2022-12-12 10:35:22.068 | INFO     | - SAR last image: 2021-05-25 23:43:39
2022-12-12 10:35:22.068 | INFO     | - SAR largest gap: 60
2022-12-12 10:35:22.069 | WARNING  | - Incomplete collection `SAR`: got a value of 89 days for `gapstart` which exceeds the threshold of 60.
2022-12-12 10:35:22.104 | SUCCESS  | 140137903990592:worldcereal.worldcereal_products:run_tile:530 - Finished!

Overview of the tile : block_17MMR

The same error occurs on gapstart, gapend or gapmax on those tiles : 17MMP, 17MMQ, 17MNQ, 17MMR, 17MNP, 17MNQ, 17MNR, 18GYA, 19JHM, 19NCE, 19NCF, 19NCG, 20JKR, 40RDP, 47NLA, 51PZK, 53UMR, 53UNR