WorldCereal / worldcereal-classification

This repository contains the classification module of the WorldCereal system.
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Create openeo UDP for generating worldcereal products #73

Open jdegerickx opened 1 month ago

jdegerickx commented 1 month ago

We now have a preliminary version of a workflow generating a default worldcereal product for a custom AOI and year. For now, only crop/no-crop classification is supported, will be extended with crop type as well... Also, currently the generate_map function does not support supplying a custom model URL.

Demo can be found here -->

Perhaps we can already convert this into a preliminary UDP for further testing (also in the Maps4GPP project)?

@jdries, feel free to assign this issue to someone else of course ;)

jdries commented 1 month ago

The UDP was created and added to APEx, use of it is documented here:

I created it manually, better option is to do it via Python, to easily keep the latest version in sync.

jdries commented 4 weeks ago

@soxofaan for next steps, write script that parameterizes the datacube that is contstructed here:

important parameters are:

jdegerickx commented 1 week ago

Update: the generate_map function has been extended and can also support crop type inference runs, even with custom models -->

So we would need a UDP which can run this function based on:

See also here an example of how this function is used in a demo notebook -->