WorldEditAxe / eaglerproxy

A standalone implemention of the BungeeCord plugin for EaglercraftX, now with online vanilla server support!
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Outdated Client #12

Closed minidogg closed 1 year ago

minidogg commented 1 year ago

When I try connecting to the server it says: "Outdated Client" I tried configuring the version which didn't work. I tried installing ViaRewind which didn't work. I'm thinking the issue is the proxy.

WorldEditAxe commented 1 year ago

what version are you using? also, please list the server you're trying to join if you don't mind doing so

minidogg commented 1 year ago

Client is 1.8.8 server is a local server running paper 1.9.4 with ViaRewind. I was originally using vanilla 1.8.8 but that told me outdated client so I tried updating to a newer version so I could use ViaRewind. And yes I was using the proxy and configured it. I would fix it my self because I know how to code in Node.js but I'm not to sure about how the eaglercraft and minecraft networking works.

Speaking of fixing the problem I do know how to code a normal proxy and I'm gonna try to code a proxy that uses replit to "port forward" my server because I can't becuase I don't have the router password to my house.

WorldEditAxe commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to use ViaRewind with ViaVersion also, the proxy contains an abstraction layer for working with the Minecraft protocol (eaglercraft uses the same packet structure), I suggest you look at Constants.ts, Enums.ts, Packet.ts, and Protocol.ts to learn how to work with it packet streaming + server switching mainly occurs in proxy/Player.ts

minidogg commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I'll try to use both at the same time. Also thanks for telling me where to look for the code.

minidogg commented 1 year ago

It worked! Thank you!