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Develop SuperNova Strategy Document #14

Open Ayeshazi opened 2 months ago

Ayeshazi commented 2 months ago

SuperNova Strategy: Comprehensive Business Incubation Framework

The SuperNova Strategy is a detailed business incubation framework designed to guide projects from inception to explosive success. This document serves as a guideline for internal teams and stakeholders to navigate the various phases of the strategy effectively.


Define the SuperNova Strategy

Market Fit Analysis

Conduct Research and Document Findings

ORBITAL Plan: Crafting Strategic Roadmap

Business Plan Development

STARTUP Initiative: Laying Business Foundations

Laying Business Foundations

ANDROID One: Building Our Flagship Product

Building Our Flagship Product

LAUNCH Sequence: Deploying Our Innovations

Deploying Our Innovations

GRANT Accelerator: Fueling Our Ambitions

Fueling Our Ambitions

Mission Control: Commanding Our Strategic Approach

Commanding Our Strategic Approach

Event Horizon: The Tipping Point of Success

The Tipping Point of Success

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Notes

For more detailed information, you can refer to the following links:

SuzyQuant commented 1 month ago

I will work on this task today. First, I have to edit the task description since it needs minor changes such as spacings for each sections for readers to fully understand it and add appropriate links related to this issue. Then, I will check and analyze the current supernova bot created in OpenAI Platform. I will have a meeting with the team to get insights on the work already done by them and put documentation. After getting the analysis and current progress, I will work on the documentation and then test it on the bot. By the end of the day, I should have at least 3-5 documents by the end of the day and have them uploaded into the Bot for testing.

SuzyQuant commented 1 month ago

@Ayeshazi please add sub-tasks in the description where we need to

  1. Create a list of files to feed to Nova Bot.
  2. Create each file as a markdown file. Link per file to the list.
  3. Save files in WE Github. WorldEnterpriseGroup/.github

In addition, please check if you agree that this list is good to feed to the AI bot,

Ayeshazi commented 1 month ago


Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today, I will collaborate with the team on the Supernova strategy. I will review the list of documents fed to the AI bot and research about the DREAM playbook. I will spend the remaining time with the SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with Think dojo team on issue#14.I will continue working on the Supernova strategy. I will create files for nova bot. I will spend remaining time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today, I will collaborate with my team on this issue. I will read the Dream Playbook and share my feedback. I will also conduct further research to improve the Dream Playbook. Additionally, I will spend 10 percent of my time collaborating with the SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on this issue. I will work on the files of novabot. I will update the DREAM Playbook. I will share updated DREAM playbook with teammates for review.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on this issue(supernova strategy). I will continue working on the novabot files.I will create Orbital plan document by using focus chef. At the end of day I will share this document with teammates for review.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on this issue#14(supernova strategy) I will continue working on the novabot files.I will complete the Orbital plan than move next . I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today, I will collaborate with my team on issue #14 (Supernova Strategy). I will continue working on the Novabot files. I will work on the Orbital Plan according to the suggestions. I will also start creating the STARTUP Initiative document. I will spend the remaining time with the SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on issue #14. I will learn about GROWTH Accelerator concept by watching videos on Note hive. org then I will start creating this document by using focuschef. I will share this with teammates for review.I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with team on issue#14 (Supernova strategy). I will get review on the GROWTH Accelerator document then I will make changes according to suggestions. Then I will start creating next document I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today, I will collaborate with the team on issue #14 (Supernova Strategy). I will continue working on the Novabot files and identify which documentation is already present. I will have a meeting with my teammate to discuss the documents. Additionally, I will spend 10% of my time with the SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today, I will collaborate with my team on issue #14 (Supernova strategy). I will work on the Novabot files and review the documents already present on SharePoint. Additionally, I will spend 10 percent of my time with the SILK team, collaborating with them on creating the handbook.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on issue #14. Today I will continue working on the novabot files. I will review the already present GRANT Accelerator documents and update it. I will also learn about 5S. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on issue #14(Supernova strategy). I will work on the nova bot. Today I will create documents of it.I will save meeting notes in markdown file.I will also spend 10 percent time with SILK team. I will learn about 5S.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on issue#14(Supernova strategy). I will continue working on ASTRA AI documents. I will complete these documents. At the end of day I will share this with teammates for review. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team collaborate with them.

Sana-Ramzan commented 1 month ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on issue #14(Supernova strategy). I will continue working on ASTRA AI documents. I will review these documents for further changes. I will create word document of Event Horizon. I will also present the weekly presentation. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 4 weeks ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on ASTRA program.I will have meeting with teammates to get reviews on the ASTRA AI documents. I will work next according to suggestions. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team.

Sana-Ramzan commented 4 weeks ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on ASTRA program. I will review the ASTRA documentation. I will also continue working on the ASTRA AI documents. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team collaborate with them on SILK handbook. I will also get certificates from Asana.

Sana-Ramzan commented 3 weeks ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on ASTRA program. I will have meeting with my team to discussed about ASTRA program. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team collaborate with them on SILK handbook.

Sana-Ramzan commented 3 weeks ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on ASTRA program. I will review the ASTRA program to share my suggestions. I will spend 10 percent time with SILK team collaborate with them on SILK handbook. I will spend some time on getting certificates.

Sana-Ramzan commented 3 weeks ago

Today I will collaborate with my team ASTRA AI program. I will work on this document.I will also get reviews on ASTRA AI documents. I will present weekly presentation. I will have meeting with SILK team to discuss about SILK handbook. I will spend 10 percent time on getting certificates.

Sana-Ramzan commented 3 weeks ago

Today I will collaborate with my team on ASTRA program. I will have meeting with my teammates to discuss about ASTRA program. I will get reviews on the word documents of ASTRA AI. I will spend 10 percent time on learning about 5S.