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Enhance and Diagnose Emmy AI #18

Open SuzyQuant opened 4 months ago

SuzyQuant commented 4 months ago


We are currently seeking to improve the functionality and response quality of the Emmy AI Diagnostics tool, specifically focusing on the "Initial Command to AI" section. Our goal is to refine this tool to better serve users interested in persona building, communications, hospitality, and similar fields. The target demographic includes users like Zarafsha and others who are keen on exploring and enhancing their skills in these areas.

The primary objective is to make the Emmy AI more intuitive and reflective of the users' inner thoughts, thereby creating a more personalized and engaging experience. To achieve this, we propose a novel approach where the AI mimics the user's inner thought process, offering insights and suggestions in a manner that feels natural and insightful.

Procedure for Enhancement and Diagnostics:

  1. Extract Logic for Analysis: Carefully extract the "Initial Command to AI" section from the Emmy AI logic app. It is crucial to ensure that no changes are made within the Logic App itself to maintain the integrity of the original setup.

  2. Utilize OpenAI Playground: Paste the extracted command into the OpenAI Playground, specifically into the "Emmy_Sean" AI Assistant environment. This step is essential for testing and refining the command outside of the production environment.

  3. Iterative Testing and Refinement:

    • Input a variety of scenarios and test cases into the AI Playground, simulating real-world use cases such as drafting emails or conversations in the context of persona building, communications, etc.
    • Analyze the AI's responses for relevance, personalization, and engagement. The aim is to ensure the AI's output closely aligns with what a user's inner thoughts might be in similar situations.
    • Adjust the command logic as necessary based on feedback from the tests. This may involve tweaking phrases, enhancing context understanding, or incorporating more dynamic response patterns.
  4. Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop where initial users, particularly those interested in the targeted fields, can interact with the revised AI and provide insights on its performance. This feedback will be invaluable for further refinements.

  5. Documentation and Reporting: Document all changes, tests, and user feedback comprehensively for its Backstory building. This documentation will be crucial for understanding the evolution of the AI's logic and for future enhancements.

  6. Signature Issue Diagnosis: Pay special attention to any problems related to the AI's handling of signatures or personal identifiers. This aspect is critical for ensuring the AI's responses remain personalized yet professional.

Important Notes:

Outcome Expectation: The revised Emmy AI should exhibit an enhanced ability to mirror users' inner thoughts, providing responses that are not only relevant and personalized but also enriching for users interested in persona building and communication skills. The AI should become a more effective tool for learning and personal development in these fields.


Ftkhan717 commented 4 months ago

S (SPACE): Create a conducive space for collaboration by initiating a team video call to enhance camaraderie and foster better understanding among teammates.

T (TRACK): Track and address issues related to the functionality of the Logic app of Emmy. Specifically, focus on improving its responsiveness by refining the backstory to align with expected responses.

A (Assist): Assist team members in navigating the Logic app of Emmy by providing guidance and support during the collaborative meeting. Offer insights and suggestions to optimize the app's performance.

R (REACH): Encourage team members to actively communicate within designated channels on a daily basis to streamline collaboration and ensure everyone remains informed and engaged in ongoing projects.

Zarafsha26 commented 4 months ago

Specific: Today, I will research relevant data for EMMYai and test it on the AI Playground to enhance the app's efficiency. Measurable: I will measure the effectiveness of the enhancements by evaluating the app's performance metrics, such as response time and relevance of responses. Achievable: Conducting research and testing on the AI Playground are feasible tasks that I can complete within the day. Relevant: This initiative directly contributes to the goal of improving EMMYai's functionality, aligning with the broader objective of enhancing user experience. Time-bound: I aim to complete the research and testing within the day, ensuring timely progress toward optimizing EMMYai's performance.

Ftkhan717 commented 4 months ago

Space: Your focus today is on creating space to work on the presentation for the whole week, aligning it with the Android platform. This involves dedicating time and effort to gather data from your coworkers about their processes.

Track: You plan to track your progress by collaborating with the team on the Emmy logic app. This includes working together in meetings, testing the app, and evaluating its performance based on provided instructions.

Assist: You aim to assist the team by gathering data from coworkers, facilitating collaboration on the Emmy logic app, and checking up on new hires. Your efforts will contribute to the successful completion of tasks and projects.

Reach: Your ultimate goal is to reach alignment between the presentation and the Android platform. Additionally, you aim to ensure the successful development and testing of the Emmy logic app and make progress in the hiring process.

Zarafsha26 commented 4 months ago

Specific: Gather data from coworkers regarding their processes for the Android platform presentation. Collaborate with the team on the Emmy logic app by participating in meetings, testing, and evaluating its performance. Measurable: Track progress by documenting the amount of data collected from coworkers and the level of collaboration achieved on the Emmy logic app. Set milestones for gathering data and completing specific tasks within the app development process. Achievable: Allocate dedicated time and effort each day to gather data and collaborate on the Emmy logic app. Ensure that tasks are manageable within the given timeframe and resources available. Relevant: Contributing to the successful completion of tasks and projects by aligning the presentation with the Android platform and assisting in the development and testing of the Emmy logic app. Supporting new hires by providing guidance and assistance in their onboarding process. Time-bound: Complete data gathering for the presentation within the week. Regularly participate in meetings and testing sessions for the Emmy logic app throughout the week. Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure tasks are completed within set deadlines.

Ftkhan717 commented 4 months ago

Specific: Review the milestones created for the Emmy logic app and develop a presentation aligned with the ANDROID framework, focusing on Advancement, Network, Design, Research, Optimize, Implement, and Deployment.

Measurable: Complete the review of milestones and draft an outline for the ANDROID presentation, ensuring each aspect is addressed clearly.

Achievable: Utilize collaboration with the team to gather necessary information and insights for the presentation. Conduct meetings as needed to transfer knowledge of the ANDROID framework to other groups.

Relevant: The goal aligns with the current focus on advancing the Emmy logic app and improving its functionality. It also supports the goal of sharing knowledge across teams and enhancing hiring processes.

Timely: Complete the milestone review and presentation outline by the end of the day. Schedule meetings for knowledge transfer and hiring processes within the available time frame.

Zarafsha26 commented 4 months ago

Specific: Evaluate the milestones established for the Emmy logic app and develop a presentation in accordance with the ANDROID framework, emphasizing Advancement, Network, Design, Research, Optimize, Implement, and Deployment. Measurable: Conclude the assessment of milestones and create a structured outline for the ANDROID presentation, ensuring thorough coverage of each element. Achievable: Employ teamwork to gather essential data and insights for the presentation. Arrange meetings as necessary to impart knowledge of the ANDROID framework to other teams. Relevant: This objective aligns with the ongoing efforts to advance the Emmy logic app and enhance its functionality. Furthermore, it supports the objective of disseminating knowledge across teams and improving hiring processes. Timely: Wrap up the milestone assessment and presentation outline by day's end. Schedule meetings for knowledge sharing and hiring process enhancement within the available timeframe.

Ftkhan717 commented 4 months ago

S - Space: Today, I will create a conducive space for effective communication within the team. I will ensure that everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and opinions without fear of judgment. By providing an open and inclusive environment, I aim to foster collaboration and creativity in our communication process.

T - Track: I will track the progress of our team's communication efforts throughout the day. This involves monitoring the flow of information, identifying any bottlenecks or misunderstandings, and addressing them promptly. By staying vigilant and proactive, I will ensure that communication remains on track and aligned with our goals.

A - Assist: I will assist team members in adhering to the communication rules and guidelines set forth for effective collaboration. This may involve providing clarification on expectations, offering support in resolving conflicts or misunderstandings, and facilitating smooth interactions between team members. By offering assistance where needed, I will help maintain clarity and coherence in our communication.

R - Reach: I will reach out to the executive and other key stakeholders to ensure their messages are acknowledged and integrated into our communication process. This includes promptly responding to their inquiries, seeking their input on important decisions, and keeping them informed of our progress. By prioritizing communication with stakeholders, I will ensure that their perspectives are considered and that our team remains aligned with organizational objectives.

Ghazanfar42 commented 3 months ago

Specific: Today, I will thoroughly test Emmy and document all necessary changes. Measurable: I will ensure that every aspect of Emmy is tested comprehensively and that all required modifications are documented in detail. Achievable: By focusing solely on testing Emmy and documenting changes, I can ensure a thorough evaluation without distractions. Relevant: This task directly aligns with our main objective of securing a contract for Sean, as Emmy's performance and functionality are critical factors in our presentation to the Dan Hup team. Time-bound: I will complete the testing and documentation by the end of today, providing a clear timeframe for this task's accomplishment.

Ghazanfar42 commented 3 months ago

Specific: Today, I will run KVM credentials and collaborate effectively with my team at work. Measurable: I will ensure that both sets of credentials are successfully used, and I will actively participate in collaborative work discussions and activities. Achievable: By focusing on running the credentials and engaging with my team, I can contribute effectively to our ongoing projects without overwhelming myself. Relevant: Running the credentials ensures access to necessary systems, while collaboration with my team ensures alignment and progress on our collective goals. Time-bound: I will complete running the credentials and actively collaborate with my team within today's work hours, providing a clear timeframe for accomplishing this task.