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Automate Department Classification and Visualization #1

Open Remy-Reveltek opened 1 year ago

Remy-Reveltek commented 1 year ago

Follow the below instruction to work on this issue.

The rows in DataSheet A are not required to be unique and can be duplicate rows.

DataSheet B has 20 Unique Rows that each have Unique Background Colors Applied

If a keyword from Dataset B, Column B is found, then populate DataSheet A, Column E, F, G with the following: E = DataSheet B, Column A F = Percent of Match Found G = DataSheet B, Column C

Update the background color of the row in DataSheet A to match the background of the Department from DataSheet B.

In DataSheet C, create a Filter Function attached to a Cell A1. Cell A1 is a drop-down to automatically populate the filtered table below to show all rows found in DataSheet A that match the chosen Department from DataSheet B.

This sheet will show all columns from DataSheet A

DataSheet D will be populated with the most relevant data visualizations to help a viewer understand patterns found in the data.

This Sheet will have an assortment of 12 different data visualizations using Charts, graphs, scatter plots, and any other visualization deemed relevant for a manager to accurately optimize their productivity by seeing this Data Sheet.

bjornmage commented 1 year ago

Steps for Completing the Task

Step 1: Add Empty Columns to DataSheet A

Add the following empty columns to DataSheet A:

bjornmage commented 1 year ago

Automated Department Classification Instructions

To create an Excel workbook with multiple datasheets and a business intelligence sheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel on your computer.
  2. Click on "File" in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select "New" to create a new workbook.
  4. In the "New Workbook" dialog box, select "Blank Workbook" and click "Create."
  5. Rename the first sheet "DataSheet A" by double-clicking on the tab at the bottom of the screen and typing in the new name.
  6. In DataSheet A, add the following columns:
    • A = File Owner
    • B = Date Created
    • C = Filename
    • D = File Folder
  7. Add empty columns to DataSheet A:
    • E = Predicted Department Name 1
    • F = Predicted Department Score %
    • G = Predicted Department Data Retention Policy
  8. Rename the second sheet "DataSheet B" by double-clicking on the tab at the bottom of the screen and typing in the new name.
  9. In DataSheet B, add the following columns:
    • A = Department Name
    • B = Comma Separated Values of Possible Department Abbreviations
    • C = Number of 1-10 defining the Department Data Retention Policy to be implemented for this department.
  10. DataSheet B has 20 Unique Rows that each have Unique Background Colors Applied
  11. Rename the third sheet "DataSheet C" by double-clicking on the tab at the bottom of the screen and typing in the new name.
  12. In DataSheet C, create a Filter Function attached to a Cell A1. Cell A1 is a drop-down to automatically populate the filtered table below to show all rows found in DataSheet A that match the chosen Department from DataSheet B.
  13. This sheet will show all columns from DataSheet A.
  14. Rename the fourth sheet "DataSheet D" by double-clicking on the tab at the bottom of the screen and typing in the new name.
  15. In DataSheet D, create an assortment of 12 different data visualizations using Charts, graphs, scatter plots, and any other visualization deemed relevant for a manager to accurately optimize their productivity by seeing this Data Sheet. To create an Excel Macro to see if Column C and D of DataSet A contains any word from the comma-separated values found in DataSet B, Column B, follow these steps:
  16. Open DataSheet A.
  17. Press "Alt + F11" to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  18. In the Visual Basic Editor, select "Insert" from the top menu and then select "Module."
  19. In the new module, copy and paste the following code:
    Sub FindKeywords()
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim keyword As Variant
    For Each cell In Range("C2:C" & Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
    For Each keyword In Split(Sheets("DataSheet B").Range("B2").Value, ",")
        If InStr(cell.Value, keyword) > 0 Then
            cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Sheets("DataSheet B").Range("A2").Value
            cell.Offset(0, 3).Value = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(cell, keyword) / Len(cell.Value)
            cell.Offset(0, 4).Value = Sheets("DataSheet B").Range("C2").Value
            cell.EntireRow.Interior.Color = Sheets("DataSheet B").Range("A2").Interior.Color
        End If
    Next keyword
    Next cell
    End Sub
  20. Save the module and close the Visual Basic Editor.
  21. Go back to DataSheet A and select "Developer" from the top menu.
  22. Select "Visual Basic" from the "Code" section.
  23. Double-click on "ThisWorkbook" in the left-hand pane.
  24. Copy and paste the following code:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call FindKeywords
    End Sub
  25. Save the workbook. These steps will create an Excel workbook with multiple datasheets and a business intelligence sheet, as well as a macro to find keywords in DataSheet A and populate columns E, F, and G with the relevant information from DataSheet B.
bjornmage commented 1 year ago

DataSheet A Sample DataSet:

File Owner Date Created Filename File Folder
John Doe 1/1/2022 Tax_Document_2021_John_Doe.docx Financials/Taxes/John_Doe
Jane Smith 1/2/2022 Contract_Jane_Smith_2022.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Jane_Smith
Bob Johnson 1/3/2022 Financial_Records_Bob_Johnson.pptx Financials/Records/Bob_Johnson
Alice Lee 1/4/2022 Legal_Agreement_Alice_Lee_2022.docx Legal/Agreements/Alice_Lee
Tom Smith 1/5/2022 Tax_Document_2021_Tom_Smith.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Tom_Smith
Sarah Jones 1/6/2022 Contract_Sarah_Jones_2022.docx Legal/Contracts/Sarah_Jones
Mike Brown 1/7/2022 Financial_Records_Mike_Brown.pptx Financials/Records/Mike_Brown
Emily Davis 1/8/2022 Legal_Agreement_Emily_Davis_2022.xlsx Legal/Agreements/Emily_Davis
David Kim 1/9/2022 Tax_Document_2021_David_Kim.docx Financials/Taxes/David_Kim
Grace Lee 1/10/2022 Contract_Grace_Lee_2022.pptx Legal/Contracts/Grace_Lee
Samuel Park 1/11/2022 Financial_Records_Samuel_Park.xlsx Financials/Records/Samuel_Park
Julia Kim 1/12/2022 Legal_Agreement_Julia_Kim_2022.docx Legal/Agreements/Julia_Kim
Chris Lee 1/13/2022 Tax_Document_2021_Chris_Lee.pptx Financials/Taxes/Chris_Lee
Olivia Kim 1/14/2022 Contract_Olivia_Kim_2022.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Olivia_Kim
Andrew Park 1/15/2022 Financial_Records_Andrew_Park.docx Financials/Records/Andrew_Park
Lucy Lee 1/16/2022 Legal_Agreement_Lucy_Lee_2022.pptx Legal/Agreements/Lucy_Lee
Max Kim 1/17/2022 Tax_Document_2021_Max_Kim.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Max_Kim
Isabella Park 1/18/2022 Contract_Isabella_Park_2022.docx Legal/Contracts/Isabella_Park
Jason Lee 1/19/2022 Financial_Records_Jason_Lee.pptx Financials/Records/Jason_Lee
Sophia Kim 1/20/2022 Legal_Agreement_Sophia_Kim_2022.xlsx Legal/Agreements/Sophia_Kim
John Doe 5/12/2009 2009_John_Doe_Tax_Document.docx Financials/Taxes/John_Doe
Jane Smith 7/23/2008 2008_Jane_Smith_Contract.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Smith-Contract
Bob Johnson 11/4/2014 Bob-Johnson-Financial-Records.pptx Financials/Records/BobJohnson
Alice Lee 1/19/2016 2016_Alice_Lee_Legal_Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Lee-Agreement
Tom Smith 9/7/2002 2002_Tom_Smith_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Smith-Tax
Sarah Jones 8/15/2019 2019_Sarah_Jones_Contract.docx Legal/Contracts/Jones-Contract
Mike Brown 6/30/2003 MikeBrownFinancialRecords.pptx Financials/Records/MikeBrown
Emily Davis 2/14/2015 2015_Emily_Davis_Legal_Agreement.xlsx Legal/Agreements/Davis-Agreement
David Kim 12/1/2017 2017_David_Kim_Tax_Document.docx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Grace Lee 3/8/2005 2005_Grace_Lee_Contract.pptx Legal/Contracts/Lee-Contract
Samuel Park 10/20/2012 SamuelParkFinancialRecords.xlsx Financials/Records/Park-Records
Julia Kim 4/30/2011 2011_Julia_Kim_Legal_Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Kim-Agreement
Chris Lee 2/9/2018 2018_Chris_Lee_Tax_Document.pptx Financials/Taxes/Lee-Tax
Olivia Kim 6/17/2006 2006_Olivia_Kim_Contract.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Kim-Contract
Andrew Park 12/24/2013 AndrewParkFinancialRecords.docx Financials/Records/Park-Financial
Lucy Lee 9/1/2010 2010_Lucy_Lee_Legal_Agreement.pptx Legal/Agreements/Lee-Agreement
Max Kim 7/7/2007 2007_Max_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Isabella Park 11/11/2022 2022_Isabella_Park_Contract.docx Legal/Contracts/Park-Event
Jason Lee 8/29/2014 Jason-Lee-Financial-Records.pptx Financials/Records/Lee-Records
Sophia Kim 2/14/2013 2013_Sophia_Kim_Legal_Agreement.xlsx Legal/Agreements/Kim-Agreement
John Smith 3/5/2004 2004_John_Smith_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Smith-Tax
Emma Davis 6/19/2017 2017_Emma_Davis_Contract.docx Legal/Contracts/Davis-Contract
Alex Johnson 9/30/2015 Alex-Johnson-Financial-Records.xlsx Financials/Records/Johnson-Records
Lily Lee 4/12/2012 2012_Lily_Lee_Legal_Agreement.pptx Legal/Agreements/Lee-Agreement
Peter Kim 1/1/2010 2010_Peter_Kim_Tax_Document.docx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Rachel Jones 11/22/2018 2018_Rachel_Jones_Contract.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Jones-Contract
Mark Brown 8/8/2005 MarkBrownFinancialRecords.pptx Financials/Records/Brown-Records
Sarah Davis 2/14/2019 2019_Sarah_Davis_Legal_Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Davis-Agreement
Kevin Kim 5/5/2011 2011_Kevin_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Laura Lee 10/10/2008 2008_Laura_Lee_Contract.pptx Legal/Contracts/Lee-Contract
Michael Park 7/4/2016 MichaelParkFinancialRecords.xlsx Financials/Records/Park-Records
Ashley Kim 3/20/2014 2014_Ashley_Kim_Legal_Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Kim-Agreement
Daniel Lee 9/15/2010 Daniel-Lee-Financial-Records.pptx Financials/Records/Lee-Records
Grace Kim 6/30/2017 2017_Grace_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
James Park 12/12/2012 JamesParkFinancialRecords.docx Financials/Records/Park-Financial
Sophia Lee 5/5/2009 2009_Sophia_Lee_Legal_Agreement.xlsx Legal/Agreements/Lee-Agreement
David Smith 4/1/2015 2015_David_Smith_Contract.docx Legal/Contracts/Smith-Contract
Emily Kim 2/14/2008 2008_Emily_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
William Lee 8/18/2011 2011_William_Lee_Contract.pptx Legal/Contracts/Lee-Contract
Jessica Park 6/1/2016 JessicaParkFinancialRecords.xlsx Financials/Records/Park-Records
Ryan Kim 9/9/2013 2013_Ryan_Kim_Legal_Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Kim-Agreement
Karen Lee 7/7/2007 2007_Karen_Lee_Contract.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Lee-Contract
Eric Smith 12/31/2019 2019_Eric_Smith_Tax_Document.docx Financials/Taxes/Smith-Tax
Samantha Davis 3/15/2014 2014_Samantha_Davis_Contract.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Davis-Contract
Tyler Johnson 2/14/2015 Tyler-Johnson-Financial-Records.pptx Financials/Records/Johnson-Records
Ashley Lee 4/20/2010 2010_Ashley_Lee_Legal_Agreement.pptx Legal/Agreements/Lee-Agreement
Brian Kim 6/6/2006 2006_Brian_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Nicole Jones 11/11/2011 2011_Nicole_Jones_Contract.docx Legal/Contracts/Jones-Contract
Ethan Brown 8/8/2008 EthanBrownFinancialRecords.xlsx Financials/Records/Brown-Records
Lauren Davis 2/14/2012 2012_Lauren_Davis_Legal_Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Davis-Agreement
Tyler Kim 5/5/2015 2015_Tyler_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Samantha Lee 10/10/2009 2009_Samantha_Lee_Contract.pptx Legal/Contracts/Lee-Contract
William Park 7/4/2014 WilliamParkFinancialRecords.docx Financials/Records/Park-Financial
Rachel Kim 3/20/2013 2013_Rachel_Kim_Legal_Agreement.xlsx Legal/Agreements/Kim-Agreement
Jason Smith 9/15/2010 Jason-Smith-Financial-Records.pptx Financials/Records/Smith-Records
Sophia Park 6/30/2017 2017_Sophia_Park_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Park-Tax
Michael Lee 12/12/2012 Michael-Lee-Legal-Agreement.docx Legal/Agreements/Lee-Agreement
Emma Smith 4/1/2015 2015_Emma_Smith_Contract.xlsx Legal/Contracts/Smith-Contract
Ethan Kim 2/14/2008 2008_Ethan_Kim_Tax_Document.xlsx Financials/Taxes/Kim-Tax
Olivia Lee 8/18/2011 2011_Olivia_Lee_Contract.pptx Legal/Contracts/Lee-Contract
bjornmage commented 1 year ago

DataSheet B Sample Data

Department Name Abbreviations Data Retention Policy
Marketing and Advertising MKT, MRT, Ad 5
Sales and Business Development SLS, SAL, BizDev 3
Human Resources and Talent Management HR, HRS, TM 7
Finance and Accounting FIN, FNC, Acct 6
Information Technology and Systems IT, INF, Sys 8
Legal and Regulatory Affairs LG, LEG, Reg 4
Research and Development R&D, RND, ResDev 9
Customer Service and Support CS, CUS, Supp 2
Operations and Supply Chain OPS, OPN, SC 5
Public Relations and Communications PR, PUB, Comms 4
Procurement and Purchasing PC, PRM, Proc 6
Accounting and Financial Reporting ACC, ACT, FinRep 7
Quality Assurance and Control QA, QAS, QC 3
Facilities Management FAC, FCL, FM 2
Administration and Office Management ADM, ADN, OffMgmt 8
Logistics and Transportation LGT, LGS, Transp 5
Production and Manufacturing PDC, PRD, Manuf 9
Security and Safety SEC, SRY, Safe 4
Training and Development TRD, TRN, Dev 7
Compliance and Ethics CPM, CPL, Eth 6
Information Security InfoSec, IS 8
Product Management ProdMgmt, PM 9
Data Science and Analytics DS&A, DataSci 8
Customer Experience CX, CustExp 2
Marketing Operations MKTOps, MktgOps 5
Sales Operations SlsOps, SalesOps 3
Business Intelligence BI, BusInt 8
Corporate Strategy CorpStrat, Strat 9
Corporate Development CorpDev, Dev 7
Corporate Communications CorpComms, Comms 4
Corporate Social Responsibility CSR, CorpSocResp 6
Investor Relations IR, InvRel 4
Treasury Treas, CashMgmt 6
Tax Tax, Taxation 7
Internal Audit IA, IntAud 3
External Audit EA, ExtAud 4
Risk Management RM, RiskMgmt 6
Credit Credit, CreditMgmt 7
Collections Collections, CollMgmt 5
Mortgage Mortgage, Mortgages 8
Wealth Management WM, WealthMgmt 9
Private Banking PB, PrivBank 7
Investment Banking IB, InvBank 8
Asset Management AM, AssetMgmt 6
Real Estate RE, RealEst 5
Insurance Ins, Insurance 4
Actuarial Act, Actuary 7
Claims Claims, ClaimsMgmt 3
Underwriting UW, Underwrite 6
Legal Operations LegalOps, LegOps 4
Regulatory Compliance RegComp, RegCmpl 6