WorldFamousElectronics / PulseSensorPlayground

A PulseSensor library (for Arduino) that collects our most popular projects in one place.
MIT License
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Closed Jardu closed 4 years ago

Jardu commented 4 years ago

Dear PulseSensorTeam:

I would like to activate the PULSE_SENSOR_TIMING_ANALYSIS function in the PulseSensorPlayground library. I´m doing this, following carefully your instructions:

I have a teensy 3.6. in use, Arduino IDE 1.8.10 and using an external editor (TextWrangler) to edit the PulseSensorPlayground.h file. I uncomment the line: "#define PULSE_SENSOR_TIMING_ANALYSIS true" and comment „//#define PULSE_SENSOR_TIMING_ANALYSIS false“ I save the file, the editor maintains open. Now I open the original „PulseSensor_BPM_Alternative“ sketch, compile and upload the file to my teensy, open the Serial Monitor, but unfortunately I don´t get the values related to the analysis after 30 seconds. The teensy keeps writing Serial data: "pulseSensor.outputSample();“

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Thank you for a short advice. Jardu

biomurph commented 4 years ago

@Jardu This is a great question. @bneedhamia can you chime in on this one? I will have to dig into the library to follow the timing analysis thread, but since you wrote this portion you may have immediate insight?

Jardu commented 4 years ago

Dear Pulse Sensor Team,

fortunately I could solve the issue and actually it was my fault, since I wasn´t working with the right file/in the right directory. I used the .h and cpp files, that where in my proyect folder and not in the original library folder. I´m really sorry :-((( Hopefully you didn´t invest to much time!!! I already want to thank you for the effort!!! Now I´m getting really good values: -1 0 2 :-) All the best Jardu

biomurph commented 4 years ago

Oh that's fantastic! I'll close the issue. Great luck with your projects!