Open sarahollis opened 3 years ago
In the James branch, published 8/4/2021,
Remaining issues: This still times out with extremely large datasets. Test instance has over 1 million follow-up records, and this iterative process still times out after 800 or 900 thousand records. The resulting error code is 524, and I've reached out to Clarisoft via JIRA to get some help.
#get total number of cases
cases_n <- GET(paste0(url,"api/outbreaks/",outbreak_id,"/cases/count"),
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", get_access_token(), sep = " "))) %>%
content(as="text") %>% fromJSON(flatten=TRUE) %>% unlist() %>% unname()
#Import Cases in batches
cases <- tibble()
batch_size <- 50000 # number of records to import per iteration
skip <-0
while (skip < cases_n) {
message(paste0("Importing records ", as.character(skip+1, scientific = FALSE), " to ", format(skip+batch_size, scientific = FALSE)))
cases.i <- GET(paste0(url,"api/outbreaks/",outbreak_id,"/cases",
"/?filter={%22limit%22:",format(batch_size, scientific = FALSE),",%22skip%22:",format(skip, scientific = FALSE),"}"),
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", get_access_token(), sep = " "))) %>%
content(as='text') %>%
fromJSON( flatten=TRUE) %>%
message(paste0("Imported ", format(nrow(cases.i), scientific = FALSE)," records"))
cases <- cases %>% bind_rows(cases.i)
skip <- skip + batch_size
message(paste0("Data Frame now has ", format(nrow(cases), scientific = FALSE), " records"))
rm(batch_size, skip, cases_n)
To avoid API timeouts, need to adapt scripts to loop through records according to pre-defined chunk sizes. Example below of rationale:
chunk_size = 10000 data_instance <- pull_data_func() base_url <- "url" chunk_num <- 0 dat_out <- data_instance
while (nrow(data_instance) == chunk_size) {
temp_url <- paste0(base_url, "$skip=chunk_num$limit=", chunk_size) data_instance <- get(temp_url) data_out <- bind_rows(data_out, data_instance) chunk_num <- chunk_num + chunk_size