WorldHealthOrganization / smart-ig-starter-kit

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Define expectations for authoring and L3-L4 in ValueSets #82

Open costateixeira opened 4 months ago

costateixeira commented 4 months ago

As an L3 author, I want to know what are the expectations of creating ValueSets, so that I can create the right content for the tooling. There are several ways and scenarios for authoring ValueSets. The L3 author should have clear guidance on whether they can

As an L4 implementer, I want to be clear what are the expectations on ValueSets so that I can implement only the right features and determine behaviour.

costateixeira commented 4 months ago

Meeting on 26-Feb-2023: There seems to be agreement that

This means that authors cannot populate .expansion. This is increasingly adequate as there is always a terminology validation happening.

Also note that this may require changes to the publication and packaging. Currently the ValueSets presented in the IG package do not contain the expansions.

Does this mean that we make the ValueSet.expansion forbidden in the authoring profiles?