There are currently eight maps in WHG and all could use some improvements. Four use Leaflet libraries and four use MapLibre GL JS (the open source fork of Mapbox GL JS). Replacement of four formerly Leaflet maps was recently done to improve performance with GL technology. Ideally, all maps would use the same (MapLibre) library and have consistent appearance and behavior of markers. Specific issues tagged "Maps" address specific map-related enhancements.
There are currently eight maps in WHG and all could use some improvements. Four use Leaflet libraries and four use MapLibre GL JS (the open source fork of Mapbox GL JS). Replacement of four formerly Leaflet maps was recently done to improve performance with GL technology. Ideally, all maps would use the same (MapLibre) library and have consistent appearance and behavior of markers. Specific issues tagged "Maps" address specific map-related enhancements.
The maps appear on these pages: