WormBase / ACKnowledge

Author Curation to Knowledgebases
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Change 'AFP' -> 'ACKnowledge' in 'thanks for your submission' email #254

Closed valearna closed 1 year ago

valearna commented 2 years ago

The text for this email is defined in the API and still contains 'AFP' instead of 'ACKnowledge'. This text should be fixed and moved to the config file where all the other emails are defined.

valearna commented 2 years ago

I've just resubmitted data for 00059841 and you should have received an email with the text fixed. Let me know if everything looks good @draciti.

draciti commented 2 years ago

I propose to change the first sentence of the email as follows.

Current text: Thank you for your participation in ACKnowledge.

Proposed text: Thank you for your participation in the Author Curation to Knowledgebase (ACKnowledge) project, previously known as Author First Pass.

@vanaukenk feel free to fix the grammar :)

vanaukenk commented 2 years ago

@draciti @valearna - the proposed new first sentence looks good to me!

valearna commented 1 year ago

You should have received an email with the following text:

Thank you for your participation in the Author Curation to Knowledgebase (ACKnowledge) project, previously known as Author First Pass.

We have received your data submission for the following publication:

A genetic screen in C. elegans reveals roles for KIN17 and PRCC in maintaining 5' splice site identity. WBPaperID: 00062474

We appreciate your time and effort. The ACKnowledge Team

draciti commented 1 year ago

Received and looking good. Closing