WormBase / pseudoace

Modelling the WormBase ACeDB database in datomic.
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Importing un-mapped ACE classes should not terminate import process #3

Closed mgrbyte closed 8 years ago

mgrbyte commented 8 years ago

The datomic import failed with: NullPointerException when processing the .ace dump file:


This .ace file contains many "Variation_name" ace "class/value" entries.

In the models.wrm.WS252.annot file annotated for the build, the Variation_name AceDB class has been commented out; thus meaning it is not mapped to an entity within the datomic schemata.

The ace-to-datomic ts_import code should generate an error message rather than failing with the NullPointerException (I'm still attempting to find the exact function call which is causing it!)

Ideally, the ace-to-datomic import process should operate only on the classes mapped (as defined by the .annot models file referenced above), rather than operating on the full set of AceDB dump files. This would save on processing time and minimize changes needed to the importer code.