WormBase / pseudoace

Modelling the WormBase ACeDB database in datomic.
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Migration silently aborted the import-logs phase #83

Closed mgrbyte closed 4 years ago

mgrbyte commented 4 years ago

Due to a parameter introduced for the homology pipeline. From the azanium log:

2020-03-18 23:45:48,726 INFO  azanium.pseudoace Sorting EDN logs
2020-03-19 01:11:03,607 INFO  azanium.pseudoace Finished sorting EDN logs
2020-03-19 01:11:03,734 INFO  azanium.pseudoace Running pseudoace command: java -server -Xmx44G -Xms44G -cp /wormbase/pseudoace/pseudoace-0.6.9.jar clojure.main -m pseudoace.cli --url=datomic:free://localhost:4334/WS276 --log-dir=/wormbase/edn-logs --verbose import-logs
2020-03-19 01:11:10,470 INFO  azanium.pseudoace Missing required options:  --latest-tx-date

The latest-tx-date parameter should be optional. The command exited with a zero status and continued (hence the silent abortion of the import-logs phase).