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Hide initial display of long sentences in search results #91

Closed vanaukenk closed 7 years ago

vanaukenk commented 7 years ago

Background: In the old Textpresso system, when a sentence score is above a certain threshold (I don't recall exactly what that threshold score is), rather than display the sentence, the search results display:

Match: [Sentence(s) appears to be scrambled. Click to see (opens new window)] [Field: acknowledgments, subscore: 44.00]

This hides long, often false positive, results but still has the advantage of letting the user look at the results, if they want.

It would be nice to have a similar display in Textpresso Central, although I don't know if sentence score is the appropriate measure for determining which sentences should say this in the search results.

For example, if I perform a search in Textpresso Central as shown in this screenshot, some of the low-scoring sentences that are returned are actually the likely false positives. Perhaps something like a character count threshold would work?

search_criteria_false_positives search_results_false_positives


valearna commented 7 years ago

Long sentences are now limited to 50 words and marked with a "[Long Sentence]" label. To see the full sentence, you can click on the "show more..." button at the end of the truncated text.

vanaukenk commented 7 years ago

Thanks @valearna That definitely helps.

I don't know if users will want some additional explanation about how we're deciding on what is a long sentence. Perhaps we could also add a '?' next to the 'Long Sentence' label and then explain, in a pop-up window, how and why they're given that designation?

We have a '?' next to a few other features of the tool and it seems a nice way to add info.