WormLabCaltech / alaska

Automated and friendly RNA-seq analysis (deprecated)
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Hover descriptions in experimental design #19

Closed dangeles closed 5 years ago

dangeles commented 5 years ago

The 1-factor description currently reads:

A 1-factor design contrasts a control sample with a single experimental sample.

However, I'm hearing from beta users this is confusing, and I agree. We should modify this to read:

A 1-factor design finds the differentially expressed transcripts between an experimentally perturbed sample (for example, a mutant strain) and a reference sample (often the wild-type strain). This is the most common experimental design for RNA-seq.

dangeles commented 5 years ago

Factor 1 in the box below should probably also be renamed to: Contrast Factor. Below the contrast factor, in smaller, lighter gray letters, 'e.g. Strain if you wanted to compare between two nematode strains; Life-Stage if you wanted to find the differentially expressed genes between L1 and L2 larvae.'

All possible values should be modified to: Factor Values. And underneath, in smaller, lighter gray letters, 'e.g. if Life-Stage was selected, the factor values that will be compared are L1 and L2. Please see FAQ if you have more than 2 values.'

Lioscro commented 5 years ago

Done in commit 5436bb571e1ced35a8441743f376cda0ce28d404.